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Everything posted by ariathel

  1. I'm pretty much looking for any recommendations. I read a story where HP was in the muggle world, and DM found him, and I think he wound up being outed to several close friends. I liked those elements of the story, and was hoping for any more along similar lines. Thanks!
  2. A good (loooong) one is called Indago, by LdDurham, link: http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no...9&chapter=1 . There are also two follow-up fics, both listed under the author's page.
  3. ariathel


    It is a Draco pairing, not sure if the pair is HP or HG, one of the two. The only thing I remember is that Draco joined the Order, I'm pretty sure Blaise Zabini did as well. Draco and Blaise enjoy trading "your momma" jokes, and there's one part where Draco and Blaise are drinking, I believe with Harry and Ron are with them, and Blaise starts insulting Draco's mother, while Harry and Ron just watch, unsure if Draco's going to get really angry or not, when Draco respons with an insult about Blaise's mother. Any help would be greatly appreciated! I think this fic was either on aff, or ff.net, those are really the only two sites I frequent.
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