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Posts posted by jasminsteele

  1. Hi!

    I'm writing a sequal to http://movies.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600092786, it is a full 'book', 250 pages, '37' chapters. I would reccomend at least reading the first chapter or two to get an idea of my writing style.

    1. This sequal is a direct continuation of the first story. What I need from my Beta is an objective reader that can help me spot spelling and grammar errors as well as bad sentence structure. If you are into the fandom maybe a few hints or speculations on culture would be nice too but not required.

    2. It is for the Predator fandom, not AVP or AVPR, just Predator.

    3. General things that are in this story are sex (m/f, m/m and possibly f/f) between human and Predator. There may also be some violence (most likely minor), language and suspense. I do like suspense.

    My last fic took me five years to write and I really don't want to take that long to write its sequal, I believe having a Beta will help me write more consitently and quickly.

    I have written the first few chapters already so it is in the works and ready to be Beta-eded.

    I do not expect any long-term commitments, I will understand if your life become too busy or you just don't want to Beta anymore, it is up to you. :)

  2. Topic Title: The Story of Malice

    Topic Description: Serenity/Firefly fanfic

    This fic isn't based off of any of the original characters of the TV show, it's one point of view out of then from Malice's point of view, the hired muscle and cook. This story is subject to graphic sexual scenes of F/M and F/F. I update this one more erratically because I'm co-writing with nine other people. Yes, really.

    Title: The Story of Malice

    Author: Jasmo

    Summary: The quiet life was not enough for her, she had the desire to do something more...brutal? Useful? Yeah, let's stick with useful.

    Pairings: F/M F/F

    Spoilers: None to be had

    Feedback: Desired greatly.

    URL: http://movies.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600092928



  3. Topic Title: I Don't Know Why I'm Away From Home

    Topic Description: Predator Fanfiction

    Hi! I've been posting my fanfic on this site and I woud love it it more people read it. It is a long one and it's not finished yet, It may turn out to be a trilogy, at most, but I enjoy writing it and people have enjoyed reading it. :cry: I update it often.

    Title: I Don't Know Why I'm Away From Home

    Author: Jasmo

    Summary: A strong independent girl gets taken from her home for being brave. Along the way she faces love, death and hatred, can she survive? Or will her mind break her for her enemies? WIPRating: Adult.

    Pairings: Human/Predator, F/M, M/M

    Spoilers: None to be had

    Feedback: Desired greatly.

    URL: http://movies.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600092786



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