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Posts posted by HotAnimeGuysFan

  1. XD I love Yaoi, I feel so lonely on the site perhaps if i post more forum members will be less shy and say hi : :unsure: :

    here goes my 1st bl/yaoi love is: Shukisho, Gravitation, Sensitive Porno, Winter Cicada, No Money, Papa a kiss in the dark, Kizuna, View Finder, Crisom Spell, Gravitation Remixes *wet*, yami no, jou jou Romantica....

    I just got a free copy of boyboy video w/my maga order xD so many wonderful teaser eps. I love yaoi! And turning straight fanfics into yaoi goodness. Lol!

    Do you know if there was ever a book made for Winter Cicada?? I love the anime!! Makes me cry evertime I watch it!!!

  2. Hottest Yaoi!!!

    1. Ayano Yamane-Target in the Viewfinder Series,Crimson Spell,Double Face,A Foreign Love Affair,DNA,Cat Dog,Hero, Pure Soul,Lock Out, Guide of Love, Baked Sweet Glasses and anything she has done I have yet to run across or she will do will always be TOP on my list of must have and on my lists to track down and BUY!!! Still working to collect it all....SQUEEL!!!

    2. Masara Minase-Empty Heart,Lies and Kisses (You have like no idea the HAPPY DANCE I did when I won Empty Heart on Ebay! I had tried over and over to buy it when it was reprinted but Barnes and Noble kept turning around and refunding my money and evertime it was relisted to buy and I did it always happened again!! So a desperate me finally got it on Ebay! YAY (Psssss....if anyone can tell me where to buy her book Lovers Position I would be REALLY HAPPY....would do the HAPPY DANCE again!!!)

    3. Akira Honma- Last Portrait

    4. Yuki Shimizu-Love Mode (ok yes I actually had a guy at work try to pry it from my hands to see what I was reading that had me laughing so much....I held on with the excuse....your too young to know about this...lol)

    5.Rakun-U Don't Know Me (Can be found at Netcomics!) Own and give as gifts....yaoi fan girls will love ya for it!! (lol My sis mugged me for her copy as soon as I got it....she couldn't wait for her Birthday!!)

    6. Hajin Yoo-Totally Captivated (Can be found at Netcomics!) Totally Captivated by it and will so keep begging them at Netcomics to get Hajin Yoo to make more like it!! I love that about Netcomics....getting to talk about how much you love the characters and artwork and that they really respond back to all your questions.

    7. Modoru Motoni-Dog Style Oh my gosh is just so FUNNY!!! heheheh This one is still ongoing and has me crying at the wait for vol. 3 to come out!! (Plus if its ever missing from my bookcase....it means its walked off with my sister...lol)

    8. Sooyeon Won-Let Dai (Can be found at Netcomics!) Love it own it!!!

    9. Makoto Tateno-Yellow,Hero-Heel,Blue Sheep Reverie,Red Angel (I just love and will collect everything by this author!!)

    10. Youka Nitta- White Brand,Kiss of Fire (I just love and will collect everything by this author!!)

    11. Shinri Fuwa-A Gentleman's Kiss (I just love and will collect everything by this author!!)

    12. Kazusa Takashima-Wild Rock (Ok just take one look one look at the cover and thats all it will take for the addiction to kick it!!!) Totally Serious here!!! LOL :unsure:

    13. Toko Kawai-Cut (I first ran across it on Youtube and loved the story and kept looking for it at book store websites. Was sad when I wouldn't find it. Then one day was in Boarders book store and happen to look at the book my sister had just picked up from the manga wall and just stopped dead in my tracks. She had Cut in her hands and was in the process of if she should get it or not. I of course held back and totally pretended not to have any interest....it was the only copy they had...cause when I saw it, I had checked the shelf for others right away....so when she put it down I picked it up and tried not to show just how ESTATIC I was that she had let go of it....LOL it was so MINE!!!! I only let her in on it after I had it safely purchased!!! HAPPY DANCE!!)

    14. Mika Sadahiro-Mukizu Ja Irarenee ( Tried to buy it when Barnes and Noble had it on its site for sale as a reprint or someting and then it was gone. If anyone knows where to buy it or The Buddy System or XI I would be really ESTATIC!!!!)

    I wish there was a way for more of our favorite yaoi titles to be made into English or reprinted.....MOST titles are really hard to track down and some complete impossible. Ya blame youtube for our yaoi exposure but.....hey we would buy it all!!! Just so many of them you can't get your hands on!! SNIFF......SAD at the thought....we need more reprints made!!! Don't they realize how many yaoi fans there are???? They never seem to make enough to meet the demand!!!!!

    This was my first official post and not sure at all if I am doing this right.

    I JUST LOVE ADULTFANFICTION and all the works that my favorite authors have posted!!!

    Favorite AFF's are by Lexjamandme,Libakasaru,Sakurafeather,Darkerassnow

    I actually got here trying to join the chat for one of these authors but couldn't locate how to work it. Will have to keep trying. :)

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