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    Sandy Southern Shores
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    I'm a dedicated fanfiction author & supernatural romance freak obsessed with any and all aspects of the fey. I spend my nights with Nuada, take regular trips with the LOTR hunks, and still find time to be a TrueBlood FangBanger. If it creeps, crawls or goes bump in the night, I am SO there . . . I'm in my 5th year (YIKES!) year of working on my crossover saga, but find time for other works as well, am obsessed with erotica, love M/M slash and never, and never stop adding to my well-read collection of supernatural novels - because let's face it: Do you really think we humans are alone in this world? Do you?

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  1. We appreciate everything ya'll do, DG - Rock On!
  2. aleigh75 - Sent you a private message!
  3. The stories pertaining to True Blood are listed in the Book Section under Southern Vampire Mysteries which is the book series the show is based on. Unfortunately, I believe there are only 8-9 of them. For heavy duty TB reading, check out FF.net, TrueBlood Wiki or EricNorthman.net. There are also very active chat forums on both FF and TBWiki if you like to discuss the show. Have Fun, ~E~
  4. Alright – I'll bite and give you MOO. 1) Is this a credible scene? Sure – why not? Unfortunately these things do happen in society. wrong place / wrong time / wrong clothes 2) In said situation would older sister offer to protect younger? Most definitely. Is nature to protect our siblings, and particularly younger ones 3) Younger sister / housewife would offer the same for the same reasons – in protection for her sibling, but the circumstances would have to warrant it – most likely setup? A deterioration of her physical condition that would prompt little sister to intervene in order to feel that this was necessary to “save” her . . . i.e. after fourth man pounds into big sisters rectum, blood is now running down her legs and pooling on the ground and she about to pass out and little sister is positive if 5th and 6th man continue, sister will die. 4) Aftermath? First physical damage: Varied according to position and if rapes occurred vaginally or rectally, but standard is going to be torn clothing, possibly ripped out hair, choked / gagged = bruising, busted mouth, nose, bites are very likely, broken or missing shoes, possibly broken teeth, expect bleeding possibly profuse if rectal rape, and other injuries according to position i.e. on pavement torn skin off back, buttocks, etc. / against metal fence, possible puncture wounds and tears from loose pieces of wire, etc. / against wood, splinters, etc. You get the idea. It would be difficult to walk and they would be in obvious pain, expect stumbling, vomiting, etc. Emotional? Bouts of hysteria and shock that could last days or even weeks, possibly longer. Immediately after? Sisters would try to comfort one another but primary goal would be to get the hell away from there by aiding one another and getting somewhere safe, then to clean themselves of all evidence pertaining to this – burn clothes, scrub their skin raw, drink alcohol out of desperation to get taste of nasty man from tongue, etc. (I am assuming the police will not be involved?) Does viewing or participating in gang rape equate little sister turning into slut? No – not quickly or slowly. But a very reasonable untreated emotional response could easily be perceived as one of two extremes - the “nun” approach, no man ever looks or touches me again, I’ll run screaming from the man who said hello in the grocery store - or the “slut” approach, I’m worthless now so why not? Go ahead and fuck me. You are obviously interested in the latter effect. Person observations? There would be very few gangs of rapist thugs who would take liberties with one female and simply allow the second to watch unless there was something extremely unappealing physically about her . . . and I would see perceived innocence as simply a further turn on. Possibly one or two members might have some semblance of pity and waylay true rape for forced hand / mouth, but again, very unlikely. And you're gonna need a reason why these thugs don't kill the girls afterward. Hope it works out for ya! Best of Luck! ~E~
  5. I'm not going to argue that there are some crossovers that beg to never meet (Twilight / Muppets would be right up there with Sin City / Teletubbies) . . . but a (hopefully, reasonably) talented writer can take two seemingly unrelated sets of books or movies and cross them into something interesting and palatable if they have good writing talent and a proficient imagination. I've actually seen Star Wars crossed with Leave It To Beaver done WELL, but by an extraordinarily talented writer. Crossovers in general get a terrible wrap because many canon bible beaters think no one has the right to pollute the pristine little imaginary worlds some writer was gracious enough to create for them - gee - that's too bad (and tough shit). I'd much rather see one well done crossover than hmmmm . . . FIVE HUNDRED more Twilight one shot suck faces . . . or FIFTY more Southern Vampire Series Eric / Sookie have the "talk" scenerios . . . or any more poorly written Haldir / Glorfindel / insert favorite elf's name here fucked someone up the ass slash that was attempted by someone who's probably never had sex before and wouldn't honestly know what a realistic orgasm or a well described blow job was if they were given a lifetime subscription to a porn channel I personally like crossovers, and I'm not ashamed to say that. I read them - and I write them - and I write them about vampires too, although MY vampires are real bloodsucking disembowling types who do NOT sparkle - ever. (Perhaps in my next crossover I'll send some over to the meet up with the sparkley ones . . . bet I could stop that scintillating nonsense!)
  6. Hello Everyone! I'm looking for a fellow smut writer to help with a particular HET Supernatural Crit sex scene with DOM tendencies / mild violence that could easily go into a "forced feeling" if wanted = Half demon / Half Fairy Male pairs with Female Werewolf Prostitute in private room of LA club I am NOT a smut newbie, and I can assure you, you can neither shock nor offend me - ever. I write both smut and violence regularly, just not in conjunction with one another. This is a rewrite of an existing scene but it's nowhere NEAR where I want it to be, and I am VERY open to suggestions so if you're willing to take a look and help, please email me at Erullisse@aol.com and we'll chat. And if we enjoy working with one another, I have a whole set of filthy scenes I'm enhancing called "How to Please a Human 101" so if I'm not the only one who wonders what a half demon / half fairy would enjoy doing to a human in the kitchen or on a car hood, well . . . who knows where this could lead! Thanks!
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