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  1. CeeCee: Hehe. I’m glad you liked it. I really think I’m going to do a side fic or something for this, though as I have some other ideas. Thank you so much for taking the time out to review!!! Waterwolf: I didn’t see the ending coming, either!! I was thinking there’d be a bit more to this story, but I’m a slave to my muses and the stories tell themselves. I’ve tried to fight that before, and it never ended well. I’m REALLY hoping for at least one side-story! Maybe more. We’ll just have to see how nice my muses are to me. Thanks so much for reviewing!!!
  2. OrifginalCeenote- Thank you for all your support!! I can't begin to express how much it means to me!!! Waterwolf- I knew it was a risk, and I determined to challenge myself with it. I was far from sure about the reception this fic would receive, but I felt compelled to write it. Thank you so much for your opinion... And I'm very happy that you liked it!!! As a writer I feel the need to push the borders of my talent and work towards a better scope of humanity in a believable fashion. Thank you so much for reviewing!!!!
  3. OriginalCeeNote: Thanks so much for all your help and reviewing. I wouldn't have been able to get this right without you. I know, I'm so mean to poor Trowa... I guess torture is kinda my thing with these poor boys. LOL
  4. I had an AWESOME Thanksgiving! Which wasn't what I was expecting. I hope you did too. I have a few more questions that I'll prolly send to you tomorrow, thank you SO much for all your help!!! I'll send you an email tomorrow, I just wanted to let you know how thankful I am to you!!!!
  5. Okay, I'll resend it. I've got two different emails, so this time I'm gonna send it from the other.
  6. Kay. so I emailed you with a few questions, but I don't know if you got them or not. If you need time to answer, that's totally cool. I just wanted to make sure you got my email.
  7. Thanks so much! I appreciate that.
  8. waterwolf: Hehe. Yep, I do so love Fei! Angelstarlight: I'm working on the next chapters to Satisfied, Rebuilding, and Set Up.... I sorta got caught up reading a massive fic by SkyLark and couldn't seem to do anything else for several days. LOL Anyhoo, I'm hoping to have updates by Thursday! Thanks so much for all your support!
  9. waterwolf: I'm so glad you liked it!! Thanks so much for reviewing! I really appreciate it. originalceenote: Nope, this is a new story that I just started since returning to the fandom. I didn't realize you were epileptic. If I have any questions to make sure I don't get anything wrong, would you mind me shooting them to you? I've done quite a bit of research to try to get it right, so if I get something wrong, please let me know. I'm glad to be back! Thank you so much for reading and reviewing!!
  10. AngelStarlight: I'm so glad you were happy with the latest chapter. There are some twists... well, not really twists but more of bits of angst that are quickly resolved ahead. Thanks for reviewing girl!!! Means the world to me.
  11. And sent. I hope you enjoy... Although, it is kinda depressing...
  12. LOL Thanks so much for the chuckle!! I'm gonna send the first chappy to you now. LOL No need for a rush reply.... I'm kinda nervous for some reason. LOL I think I've got your email.... If I don't find it, I'll message you.
  13. I'm so sorry you were rear ended!! I hope you're okay. I have to say that I got a very nice chuckle from you hoping to see Trowa rear ended soon! I'm doing my best to make sure that happens very soon. I'm soooo glad you're enjoying this fic and thanks so much for all your help and encouragement. Oh, btw, my brain is a little too terribly overloaded to work on Custos in the near future, so I'm not sure if I'll be able to get to it anytime soon. :-( However, I've got an idea for a new fic... Doh!! If you'd like, I'd love to send you some chappies when I've got written. Would you like a sneak peak?
  14. waterwolf: Thanks so much for reviewing!! It makes my heart happy to know someone is enjoying my little stories! I'm working on the next chapter now. Hopefully I'll be able to have it up by Thursday.
  15. Ack!! LOL I'm going to look into that right NOW! LOL Thanks for the pointer.
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