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Posts posted by JadeRyuu

  1. I must admit, this is bothering me.

    I've recently started a community on LiveJournal called, The Writers' Group.

    It's a place for writers - fan-fiction and original - to gather. Our goal is to provide a fun place for trading advice, supporting our fellow writers, learning, sharing experiences, submitting stories for pleasure and review/criticism, and in general improving and learning more about our trade.

    At the moment, since I'm still getting the community together, I am using a moderator and myself - we do screen entries. That is not to say that we intend to allow only a select few, because I would love for anyone to join and hopefully enjoy the experience. It's just, that as I start this, I would like to keep unsavory things from happening.

    I accept the inevitable; that something will go awry, but I'd like to hold it off for as long as I can.

    Anyone who wishes to join will be allowed to do so, without question. The only thing we're screening will be the posts themselves. As it is a place for writers I feel it is important that people take the time to actually write with thought, that they are respectful of others and themselves, and that they edit their posts/writing. (LiveJournal offers a spell-checker. It takes all of five seconds for the words to be highlighted, and it offers the corrections...)

    I don't expect everything to be perfect, but I also don't want to see the page cluttered with things like;

    Kagome smirked. "C U l8tr, I gtg b4 mom gets mad." She walked away w/o w8ting for Inuyasha to replie.

    Personally, I think it's insulting. It's one thing if you have bad grammar and spelling - which the community is there for, to help you improve - but it's another thing entirely to expect others to just ignore the fact that you didn't really try to write.

    Text speak/chat is not writing. If it is in a story for a purpose - perhaps a conversation over IM between characters, or a text message - that is acceptable. However as the entire writing style of a work? No.

    This is what I would be moderating against. I intend to send a private reply to explain why the post is being refused - to each and every person, because I feel I owe them that, at the least - and give an invitation to try again after they've had time to edit.


    Thank you very much for wanting to post to the community.

    I regret to inform you, however, that it has been decided that for this work 'Title such and such' to be accepted and made public, it needs to be edited first. As explained in the Rules and Behavior post, all works must be written out and edited. Text speak/chat is unfortunately not considered a work that is written in a proper fashion.

    If you would like to edit the story, however, we would be more than happy to post it.

    Thank you very much for your time,

    'Moderator So-n-so'

    If it has spelling mistakes I will still allow it to be posted - but I will also understand if they get criticism for it when others review. (I have no intentions of being the 'Oh gods, one word out of place, refuse it!' kind of moderator.)

    So, to wrap up this winded thing, what do you think?

    Is my approach acceptable? Is it horrific and unfair? Is this a case of moderation or censorship? I'd like to know what you think.

    (Shameless plug: You're all welcome at The Writers' Group!) <3

  2. Okay, I just couldn't resist this! I've been in several different places of retail in my time as a sales representative and Assistant Manager. Retail is EVIL.

    People are so used to instant gratification in this age that they expect it in everything. Unfortunately, we're not super-humans (if we were I'd churn out books as fast as people waiting in line get attitudes!) and as such we've got limits to how fast we can move and get things done. I am not taking speed or forming any kind of drug habit that supposedly will make my reaction times better, sorry.

    We are people too, and we're just doing our jobs. While we know that people have bad days, and can sympathize, this doesn't mean that you should take it out on us. We want your experience at our place of business to be a good one and we value your business. But damn, cut us a break. We're human and last time we checked, so were you. If your service really is bad, and not just because you're not getting your way when its against our policies, then by all means you should be upset. All we ask is that you actually make sure its a fault on our part and not yours, before filing a complaint. Really, filing a complaint is a lot better than making a scene, because in the end, you look like an ass, not us.

    I've actually had a lot of issues with customers, several of which have been because of my age, in the position of Assistant Manager. I guess they're afraid that the 'young ones' are coming for them? (I'm not that threatening, and damn it all, I'm polite...even if my smile is starting to quiver and my eyes shine with the light of death - erm, uh, yeah; polite.)

    I worked at United Dairy Farmers - better known as UDF; a ice-cream/convenience store where they hand dip malts, shakes, etc - as assistant manager and I tell you, it's brutal when you're not only a sales representative but a server to top it off! We were also a gas station and sold cigarettes and such. Does anyone else have customers who flip the fuck out when they have to show their ID?

    I've had an employee ask for an ID and the man stormed out, called the store - joy of joys, I got to take that call - and threaten to sue us. Policy states - and we had a sign up too, on both registers - that you must have ID for the sale of tobacco and alcohol. Imagine that, its a law. I'm going to have my employees break the law, just for you, because you called and cursed at me for fifteen minutes and insulted me by asking if a male manager was there. Really, I will. As soon as hell freezes over and I get to take a whip to you. <3

    One night when I was working with the first assistant manager, two guys came in together, got alcohol and carried it to the register together - after knocking over a chip display, chortling about it and waving to us two girls who were cleaning. They got mad when I asked for both of their IDs (store policy, and they looked 19 years old at best), cursed me out, and stormed out. We had to call the cops, make a report, all that jazz. People and throwing things; that needs to stop. I do not appreciate cases of beer or glass bottles being tossed at me. So help me god if someone dares to pour their giant shake out because it didn't have enough strawberries in it, I will loose it. People like this make me want to go on sprees of random violence. Grr.

    I noticed in an earlier post how someone hates it when the clerks are gossiping or on their cell phone texting - ye, gods I agree with you. Drives me up the wall. As a manager I don't tolerate that, I don't know how their superiors can allow it. If you've got time to lean against a counter and text, you've got time to clean and organize, or assist customers. No one at the counter just means you've got more time to get stuff done.

    Has anyone ever had a problem while working with people your own age, or older even, when you're in a higher position? Like either since you were their age they shouldn't have to listen to you? Or that you're younger so you shouldn't have more power than they do, and they don't have to listen to you? Drove me crazy!

    Oh, and on my last note in this long and winded post, that went a wee off topic...

    "The customer is always right." Management needs to stop singing that tune and grow a backbone - I'm not afraid to tell the customer they're wrong, or to stand up for my employees.

    So, fuck you, whoever first came up with that. The customer is nearly always wrong. We in retail make it our business to know our policies, our sales, our prices, and how to do our jobs. Customers: grow up, loose your attitude, control the children you have spawned, and we'll be happy to serve you - until then, bugger off!

  3. I think that so far, from what I have seen, she does seem realistic. It's a very hard thing to do - because when we create original characters they're like our kids, and we want them to have everything, and sometimes that's a bit much.

    The only thing I see with this that gives me pause is; They are immortal, and like vampires they are extremely difficult to kill.

    Immortal means something that does not die or expire. To keep you from over-playing on the immortal bit, I would suggest replacing 'immortal' with 'long-lived' or even 'as close as immortal as one can be', because you've stated that she is difficult to kill. This means she can be killed, does it not? (My apologies if I seem to be picking, I don't intend that in the least!)

    This may be the basics that you've posted, but do you have a more detail oriented outline for her? I understand maybe not wanting to post all of the details, but if you don't have a more detailed outline, let me know and I'd be more than happy to share the reference sheet I've made for my writing community, if you like?

    You've done really good so far, keep up the good work!

    Happy writing! :rolleyes:

  4. I know this is a bit late, considering how long ago the initial post was made, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to put my two cents in.

    I agree that it's harder to find a vocabulary turn on, or at least define it.

    Personally, I think that a work is made better by detail. Give me a descriptive word - even better words - and turn your characters to life in my mind, and you've just sated my vocabulary-lust.

    Using our language(s) well, with proper grammar and structure, can really make a story come to life, and that, I think, is a vocabulary turn-on.

    ..and now that I've thrown that in, I'll scamper off now. (Time for me to go exercise my vocabulary on fan-fiction writing!)

  5. Hi, I've just started this story; the second chapter is now up. If you like Inuyasha fiction with the setting as the future (Kagome's home-era) you may find this story to your liking!

    Title: The End Of It All

    Author: FadedTsukiHikari

    Summary: The end of their journey in the feudal era. The beginning of the journey in the future with fates uncertain. Each choice is riddled with joy and sorrow, and it is for them to make their own path; to embrace or destroy.

    Ratings: Adult (for later chapters)

    Pairings: Inuyasha/Kagome

    Spoilers: None

    Feedback: Is greatly appreciated!

    URL: http://inu.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600095143

    This story is listed as a AU/AR, because it takes place in Kagome's time, although there are sections set in the normal Inuyasha era, as seen in the manga/anime. Hopefully, you will enjoy it!

    Thank you,


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