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Posts posted by orpiment99

  1. Somehow, I lost the link to this story. Hogwarts is divided into teams. Harry ends up with Draco on the "Slytherin" team. Each team designs different contests. Harry and Draco's team is called the Dragons of Bad Faith. They put on a play of the Rocky HOrror Picture Show.

    Can someone help, please.

  2. Can anyone help me? I have searched all over for this fic! It was Harry and Draco, and Harry was a werewolf, but Draco didn't know. So they broke up, and Draco has been trying to ruin Harry's life.

    He tries to fire him. He hexes his apartment. Harry is really sick, and has a shabby life.

    I don't remember a whole lot more... Can anyone help? I can't find the link.

    I think you're looking for this:


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