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Belinda Cayman

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Everything posted by Belinda Cayman

  1. First of all: I am not sure if this is allowed or if I have chosen the right area. I tried to do so though The thing is: I am no English native speaker but I love to write in English to keep my skills and improve them. I love writing RPG stuff because it is more entertaining than writing a whole (and long) story by yourself. I would love to bring Charles Brandon to life. So I am looking for people who are willed to join me and the fun. I decided to post here on the board because I am not interested in the poor RPG writing style with only two lines per post. I am looking for people who can write much more. Normally my posts are about 5000-8000 characters long - depends on the scene. I love what is somewhere between writing stories and RPGs. I would be willed to set up a board for the roleplay so that we can use icons and pcitures and stuff. We opened it and looking forward to meet others there who love to write! If you want to have a look? Anyone who would jump in? Take care! B.
  2. What do I write? I write stories rated R or NC-17 - just a personal rule because the stories mostly contain sex. Mostly. If not sex I prefer to go into the depth of my characters psyche which is not made for youngsters to read. I never write romantic stuff because I am not good with it - so I avoid it if possible. Who do I write? Talking about the Final Fantasy VII fandom I just write Cloud Strife or Yazoo. These are the two characters I can relate to. What writing style do I prefer? I am pretty open to everything. I love to play around with the possibilies to tell a story but I always like to write in POV parts when I write with others. Why do I look for a co-writer? Of course I could write the stories myself and I did so for years. I just think it is more fun to share the whole plotting and writing stuff with someone else! Who am I? First, I admit that my first language is not English but hopefully you can tell from that post that it is good enough to give it a try and write with me. I wrote (and still write if I am in the mood) LOTR stories for years as well as RPS stuff. I do a lot of roleplaying things/posts in several fandoms. I miss to write a proper story with a good ending though - that is why I am here, looking for a co-writer. I am willed to pair my characters with anyone *g* so whatever would be fun for you to write, contact me! If you want to give it a try, PM or mail me, or answer right here. I am looking forward to find someone Take care Belinda
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