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Posts posted by IllyanaBlack

  1. I am looking for a beta to help me with the grammar mistakes on my X-force fiction. I am entering this new fandom.

    I am still looking for a HP crossover beta for my second story.

    To be a beta for my X-force fiction you will need to know each of the characters. You will also need to have a computer that can read rich-text format. You must also know english grammar for the mistakes. As the beta you must be open to Slash stories.

    My Harry Potter Crossover beta must be familiar with Final Fantasy characters as well. You must be open to slash stories and not afraid of Torture. You will be helping me spot the grammar mistakes in the fiction.

    If you can handle that please post a reply here or message me.


  2. I am a multi-fandom writer. I will tell you each part as a number and Description of Each. I need a beta reader in all my fandoms.

    1. Looking for in a Beta: Someone who is reliable and will get my stories back to me in a timely manner. Someone who can correct the grammar and spelling mistakes on my stories.

    2. Fandoms I write about and need beta readers in:

    X-men (filled)

    Harry Potter (all but crossover filled)

    Hellsing (still looking)

    Yami no Matsuei (filled)

    Babylon 5 (filled)

    3. Types of stories: (this will be broken by fandom)

    Harry Potter: Rape, Slash, abuse, torture, H/C, Mpreg, Preg, OFC, OOC, Some Crossovers, WIP

    Hellsing: Rape, OOC, M/F, Preg, Torture, Death, Vampire fic, WIP

    Babylon 5: Slash, Some crossovers, Torture, WIP, Rape, Abuse, Death

    X-men: Some Crossovers, Slash, OOC, OFC, OMC, Abuse, Rape, Torture, Death, Angst

    Yami no Matsuei: Some Crossovers, OFC, OOC, Mpreg, Slash, Rape, WIP, Death, Abuse

    Just a little note not all stories contain all the breakdown for the fandoms. I will enclose full details on each story to the beta reader.

  3. Hi everyone,

    I have a challenge for you. All you writers put your thinking caps on and enjoy this writing challenge.

    Here are the rules for this challenge: (examples are given at the end of the post)

    1. must be a crossover between Saiyuki and any other show or anime you can think of.

    2. Two of the characters have to be switched.

    3. Must have the words Ice Cream; Sunday; sundaes

    4. Must be dreams

    5. Must be a death fic

    6. Must have a funny ending.

    Here is an example:

    1. Saiyuki/FFVII

    2. Sanzo and Vincent have switched places

    3. Vincent looks at Cloud and says, "No more Ice Cream Sundaes."

    4. Sunday morning rolled around and Vincent wakes up screaming.

    5. Vincent died in Kogaji's arms.

    6. Four voices in two places laughed.

    Now for all of you writers have at it just need a short fic for this challenge.

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