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  1. Daydreamer

    Urahara reborn?

    LOL, this is like the third looking for of this fic that I've answered. It's called A Shadow of What Was by katami_san and it is a very enjoyable fic.
  2. The story is called: A Shadow of What Was by katami_san.
  3. The story is called Red Walkways. The only place I've found it is on ff.net. It used to be on AFF but not any longer. https://m.fanfiction.net/s/2494740/1/ I'm on a mobile phone so I hope this link works. If it doesn't just search the title Red Walkways by Sami065
  4. Daydreamer

    help plz

    That is called For the Love of His Son by lexjamandme
  5. Found: It's called Warcraft by LittleMouse(though she is known by several names)I don't recall a whole lot but this is what I've got. I Can't even recall the pairing if there was one. Wufei or Duo (I can't recall which but I think it was Wufei)lives in a town and he's abused and is little more than a slave to the tavern owner. Heero is searching for the last member of his group to make them whole. They are a group of mages who need their fifth member to be whole. They are in constant emotional pain without him. Each member had special control over a particular element like fire, wind, etc. They have been traveling from town to town in order to find him and come upon a random village where they find him. I know that it is a multichapter story though I'm uncertain whether it was finished or not.
  6. i think this is it. It's a part of a story called Night In South Beach by Kimya. The foursome part is in Part 5 I think. Night In South Beach
  7. It was Brutally Beautiful by WordSlave, but as Cai said, she took down all her works from all sites. It was a really good story, I wish I had saved it when I read it but I never thought she would just take them down. -Sad face-
  8. Here is another good Sasu/Hina Duty
  9. Glad I could help.
  10. I think this is it: Sasuke Says by Fastforward/Sarge/R3b3lliousr3b3l(depending on what site you are on).
  11. The fic, what there is of it, is on Y-gallery. I don't know if she has it set up to allow nonmembers to view her work, but here is a link to the prologue. If you can't see the fic, then you would need to be 18 and a member of the site to view. Otherwise, you'll simply get a blank screen/error message. http://www.y-gallery.net/view/817236/
  12. Daydreamer

    Sasunaru fic

    That was a fic by Ivvymoon, call Sasuke, My Pet. She left fanfiction and took all her fics down several years ago, so you won't find it on any site. Sorry to be the one to tell you. She had some absolutely amazing fics out there and was a good friend.
  13. Daydreamer

    sasunaru phone fic

    It might be Talk To Me by Rasengan22. I don't recall the specifics of the fic other than it involved phone sex that started off innocent. I think she took all her stuff down from AFF, it's still up on Y-gallery if you can view her gallery. I don't know if she has her gallery set up to allow nonmembers to view it. If it's archived elsewhere, I don't know.
  14. Felnore took down most of her fanfiction stories from the sites that she frequents, only leaving a few up on AFF. I don't know her reasons or why she left some up and took some down. That story was likely one she took down. You might still be able to contact her through fanfiction.net or ygallery, but idk. I haven't spoken to her in several months.
  15. It is Midnight Meets Moonlight. I also think the one on fanfiction is edited for content so if you want to read the smut, here is the link to the mediaminer story which is the uncut version. I searched for it on aff but came up with nada so media miner it is. Uncut Midnight Meets Moonlight
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