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Metroid - the Bergman Affair feedback, comments, and workshopping
salarta replied to HunterOpera's topic in General
Has anyone seen or heard from HunterOpera, or at least know if he’s alright? He disappeared so suddenly and hasn’t said anything in so long that I’m concerned. -
Metroid - the Bergman Affair feedback, comments, and workshopping
salarta replied to HunterOpera's topic in General
I think some of it could be the way “serialized nature” content works. Like as an example, when BtVS was on TV, certain storylines felt like they went on forever. Then I watched episodes on DVD decades later and it turned out they were actually over in two or three episodes. The gap in time between episodes made the storyline feel longer than it was because the story sat there for that much time. Could be the case here due to length of time between chapters. -
Metroid - the Bergman Affair feedback, comments, and workshopping
salarta replied to HunterOpera's topic in General
I hope you continue Bergman Affair, but I also understand if you've decided to stop writing that fic or writing in general. -
Metroid - the Bergman Affair feedback, comments, and workshopping
salarta replied to HunterOpera's topic in General
Hey there, HunterOpera! I have various things to say, and the nature of some of them makes me think they'd be better off as a post in your thread than as a review on Bergman Affair. Thanks for leaving a review for Federation Farce, and especially such a thorough one. Usually when I write fics like Federation Farce and explain my inspiration, I get negativity more than anything else. It's nice to see some people understand what I was trying to do and enjoy it. I'm not planning to continue the fic, because I'm basically done with writing porn fics. I'm in the process of posting stuff I started that's just far enough along that I can do minimal editing/additions and post them. However, I did leave the fic open for anyone to add chapters if they wish! I've had other ideas and Metroid fics that never got very far along. One I started and never finished was Samus' Power Suit hacked by some outside force; it takes her to the Federation barracks, makes her fuck cadets, and translates everything she says into porny stuff. Another idea was mixing Samus with the Ladyball kerfuffle from earlier this year, with the Federation forcing her to promote it. Last idea, which could've become a chapter later in Federation Farce, was Samus as the ball used in Blast Ball by the characters from Federation Force. Every blast would give her a surge of pleasure. That out of the way, I continue to read Bergman Affair, and I'm absolutely looking forward to seeing what more you have in store for Samus! I love the constant theme of Samus as hunter turned prey, increasingly made lesser and lesser. I get a real sense that Damara has some truly nasty and exciting things in store for Samus here. The various ways you rework and toy with Samus' use of power suits in her degradation is an awesome touch that I wish more people tried. Far too many characters go without having bits of their franchise or character used as part of the story. -
I was told to make a thread for this on the forum and that I can't have a separate chapter entry for this purpose on the story itself, so here's the thread! The ancient Greece prostitute used a less permanent way, to get customers attention. Those liberated greek women wore shoes, or clothing, imprinted with messages. Some prostitutes wore sandals that had the words follow me, with small metal studs, inscribed on the bottom of the shoes.These sandals left impressions in the unpaved earth and soon prostitutes became known as Streetwalkers.greek-prostitute The Greek writer Ascepiades writes of a prostitute named Hermione who wore a girdle embroidered with, "Love me always, but do not be jealous if others do as you do.” (Vern38) In Athens, prostitutes used temporary body modifications to enhance their facial and body features, as in stuffing their shoes with cork to appear taller, or use bustles to increase the size of their hips and breasts. Ancient prostitutes used make-up quite a lot, layers of white lead, a lot of rouge, and soot to emphasize eyebrows. The effect was that prostitutes were easier to spot due to the fact that respectable Greek woman refused to paint their faces, because they promoted a more natural looking face.(Sherrow250) There, where not many sumptuary laws in ancient Greece, and the few the greeks had, were not enforced. One of those restrictions, prostitutes had to dye their hair blond, which they did anyway, to distinguish themselves further from borinh housewifes. Independent prostitutes who worked the street were on the next higher level. Besides directly displaying their charms to potential clients they had recourse to publicity; sandals with marked soles have been found which left an imprint that stated ΑΚΟΛΟΥΘΙ / AKOLOUTHI ("Follow me") on the ground. They also used makeup, apparently quite outrageously. Eubulus, a comic author, offers these courtesans derision: "plastered over with layers of white lead, … jowls smeared with mulberry juice. And if you go out on a summer's day, two rills of inky water flow from your eyes, and the sweat rolling from your cheeks upon your throat makes a vermilion furrow, while the hairs blown about on your faces look grey, they are so full of white lead." Amber jewelry, the most widespread, was only worn by women of the lower classes. By the higher classes it was regarded as vulgar, and the women of higher standing wore only gold and precious stones. Though, when in public, it was considered elegant to hold a small ball of amber in one hand and to rub it occasionally to smell its delicate fragrance in order to try and disguise any fowl smells which she might encounter. One of their practices involved braiding pieces of gold jewelry into their hair, an artistic touch that more wealthy matrons began to imitate. It may seem strange that respectable women would follow the styles of courtesans, but in Rome, where prostitutes were required by law to make their hair yellow, it became a fad among married women to peroxide their hair or else to wear blond wigs! They were attested to have worn gaudy dresses made from transparent silk. They were also distinguished for wearing a toga, the characteristic garment for a male Roman citizen, not otherwise worn by women. Therefore it has been claimed that the female prostitute was antithetical to the male Roman citizen.[24] Prostitutes as public figures often represented the depths of impurity. Roman writers often associated prostititues with dirt, which even further reflected their lowly status. The first written Greek law code (Locrian code), by Zaleucus in the 7th century BC, stipulated that "no free woman should be allowed any more than one maid to follow her, unless she was drunk: nor was to stir out of the city by night, wear jewels of gold about her, or go in an embroidered robe, unless she was a professed and public prostitute; that, bravos excepted, no man was to wear a gold ring, nor be seen in one of those effeminate robes woven in the city of Miletus." Prostitutes were forbidden by law from wearing the stola, which was the usual dress of freeborn women. Shoes, purple robes, jewelry, and the vitta that Roman women used to tie back they hair were also forbidden. Prostitutes were required by law to wear togas like men, which were supposed to be floral patterned, and sandals. They were also supposed to dye their hair yellow, red, or blue (Sanger 74). But these rules were seldom enforced. Many prostitutes wore prohibited clothing. Others proudly wore their togas in green shades or other outrageously bright colors, while others wore nearly transparent robes of silk and gauze. Still others chose to wear no clothing and to sit outside of their brothel, waiting for customers (Sanger 76). The Vitta was not worn by libertinae even of fair character (Tibull. I.6.67), much less by meretrices; hence it was looked upon as an insigne pudoris, and, together with the stola and instita, served to point out at first sight the freeborn matron (Ovid. A. A. I.31, R.A. 386, Trist. II.247, Ep. ex Pont. III.3.51). http://penelope.uchicago.edu/Thayer/E/Roman/Texts/secondary/SMIGRA*/Vitta.html Although we cannot speak of Greek women in antiquity as a unified group, legal and historical sources attest to the exclusion of women throughout Greece from the public domain, and to their devotion solely to reproduction. Indeed, even Spartan women - who were considered to be different and more visible than other Greek women in the public sphere because of their involvement in many athletic events - engaged in such activities with the main goal of bracing their bodies for delivering children for the city. Women gave birth at home with the assistance of female relatives and neighbours and/or a midwife. "Whether this was the same worn by men, we do not know, but what we can say is that it openly denied her the status of Roman matron. It was to deny her her femininity by denying her the dress which in Roman rhetoric defined her as female." "Horace's togata, again, wears transparent Coan silk and shows her body off to viewers" http://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=kxOLn0IoGhAC&oi=fnd&pg=PA252&dq=meretrix+prostitution+greece&ots=5EjNvPvIpy&sig=rLPftHFsf971zdpb9MVjUILzvx8#v=snippet&q=adultery&f=false http://books.google.com/books?id=rTfBtcdjbuoC&pg=PA38&dq=toga+prostitution&hl=en&ei=6S_bTbK_NtG2tgfxxoikDw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=2&ved=0CC4Q6AEwATgK#v=onepage&q=toga&f=false
I strangely forgot I posted this here after a day, and just now remembered. Thanks for the answer DemonGoddess, I do hope you can get it to work with new code.
This is just a quick idea I had when looking through the archive. Many times, writers will include a whole host of characters in their stories. The number could be as low as one character, or 20+, or maybe even more, depending on how many chapters they do and how they write the scenes. As a writer, I find it hard to sometimes decide which characters deserve top billing or if any specific characters should be listed at all. As a searcher, I find that sometimes if I really want to find stories that include some content of a certain character, I have to actually scan fics that don't mention them in the summaries; and I DO encounter this. With that in mind, would it be possible to have a separate field where uploaders can fill in the characters they've included in their stories? It would help writers to get out there that they may have spent time on a character not used very often, and it would help searchers to track down fics of their interest that otherwise might not come up when using the Search function.
Sorry to bother, but I haven't heard anything about this lately and it's become much more important to me tonight. Any word on this? Thanks in any case.
I wasn't sure if I should post just to say thanks before, but now that I feel a bit more right about it, thank you for hearing me out and checking to see if there's anything that can be done.
For what my friend wants, he said it would be summed up well as "have an account option where if a certain word appears in the summary, it will filter that story from the listing." For example, if a story has 'yaoi' in its summary, it wouldn't show up when looking for stories to read. My original request/suggestion isn't quite 'blocking' as I mistakenly called it, it's more like filtering, under the same idea as above. If possible, I would like an account option where I could add a person's name to a list and any stories, and if possible comments, that they make wouldn't show for me. I don't mean blocking them from being able to post things, I mean simply that stories and comments that they make would essentially be 'invisible' to me. As a hypothetical example, if I want to look for a Devil May Cry story, I could look through the listings without certain stories showing if they're by an author who I know writes content I don't like, and I can read through comments of a story I really liked without comments by the 'filtered' user displayed to me. I expect the comments aspect might be unlikely, while the filtering stories idea might be easier to accomplish.
Hi, it's been a while since I posted on this section. This might not be possible, but I was wondering if a system could be implemented for people with accounts to block certain users in terms of things that will show up for them when looking at the site while logged in. As a side suggestion, another person I talk to that likes to read from this site also said he'd love if there were a way he could filter out stories by certain terms.
Catagory name: Blazblue Section catagory to be in: Games -> A through F Do you have any stories for it?: Yes This is game has at least a cult following and received mostly positive reviews. There are at least three fics for this game currently on AFF.net in the miscellaneous section, one of which is mine. --added
Hi, I'm writing this in a bit of a rush, so apologies if there's a better place for this. I've been told about using the Other code for anything not covered by the codes already in place, but there's a couple ideas I tend to use in stories that have long names to describe them. Since there's a 240 character limit in the summary field, I thought it might be best to ask on this since I sometimes use a lot of atypical concepts in my stories. Too many might make it hard to get everything in. The abbreviations themselves are just suggestions. TF - transformation CR - corruption For anyone who might wonder, corruption is a character turning evil; it CAN include a physical element, but the focus tends to be mental. Transformation is the character's physical appearance, biology, etc changing; it doesn't necessarily mean they turn evil. Thanks for reading this and any input.
Rosa x Cecil. It's sweet, a true romance story. It's also why I get very much annoyed (though will typically roll my eyes and move along) when someone randomly decides to act like Rosa means nothing to Cecil, or vice versa, and pairs them up with someone completely different just for the hell of it. This is at its worst when the person doesn't even TRY to make the pairing reasonable, they just have one of them go out of character by divorcing or cheating on the other for no reason. I get that a lot of writers seem to think doing this sort of stuff is "edgy" and cool, but why is nothing sacred?
New Categories added/not added through 5/18/09
salarta replied to Ahuitzotl's topic in Archive Category requests
Category name: .hack Section category to be in: Games Do you have any stories for it?: Yes This suggestion/request is one I wasn't entirely sure whether or not I should make. The .hack series is kind of strange in that it spans a huge swath of mediums, from novels to games to animes. A section exists in Anime labeled .hack//SIGN, and I've seen some people place material from .hack//G.U. under that category, some having to do with the games, simply because no such section exists in Games. I wouldn't ask about a new section, but I know in my own searches that I rarely ever bother to look in that area of the site because I expect to find more about the animes than the games, when stories about the games are the only ones I care about reading. I left this alone until now because it wasn't a huge deal, but I want to add a story based on the .hack//G.U. video games and I'd rather have it in the Games area than the Anime one. If this category can't be made, than may I put it in the Misc Video Games category instead? Thanks. -added. You'll notice there are other titles that are similar in nature; meaning that you'll see some duplication in manga from anime (as the sub domain grows) where the writers are wanting to use the manga and NOT the anime arcs for their stories. Also games and etc.