Hi all,
Im looking for a Hermione and Draco fic i noticed this post on another site and thought it sounded great i really want to read it appreciate any help so...
This fic starts the summer before 7th year.. Draco ends up in Hermione's doorstep, Hermione hides him in her room for a few days then introduces him to her parents... They are reluctant but welcoming... I forgot the reason for it, but Hermione and Draco get married/bonded under the full moon. And Hermione wears the dress her parents give her for a dance she was supposed to attend for the marriage ritual... Then Hermione's father gives Draco the talk.. Then they end up going to the dance together, Hermione finally wearing the dress her parents gave her for the dance... Then that's where everything gets blurry in my memory... The next thing I remember is that once they get to school they are hiding their relationship, for reasons that I forgot (but it might be because if there were married students of differing houses, one would have to switch houses to match the spouse,,, but I'm not sure about that detail)... Then Dumbledore finds out then according to some rules, they have to get married with a ceremony with witnesses in front of the school.. So the full moon ceremony is repeated this time with Hermione's parents and the whole school there.. And that's not the end of it... but that's about all that I remember...
I really want to read this so if you know it i would really appreciate any help thanks alot in advance