Hi, i am looking for a story that have centaurs. I remember that the centaur was in war with another beings. the main character was a really young centaur who have a crush on his commander officer. I recall that both of them end up having sex, and he find out that it is common for male centuar to have sex with each others... do it sound familiar to anyone?? the story itself is slash, MalexMale
the mermaid's name is Tiergan's captured from his undersea home, and he was turned into slave, but the later saved by a man.. do anyone know what happened to the story? it is one of my all time favorite and it is gone..
hi, i am looking for this story, i cannot get it outta my head. in this story, harry and Draco are together, and Lucius want to fuck harry, so Draco let him but in the end, draco told Lucius never again, do anyone know the story and where i can find it?
what happened to the story? i bookmarked it and it didnt show up so i searched it, did the author removed it? do anyonne know what happened to the story?
DO any one know a story that is similar to the story: The Children of Atum? i know of a story called Baby Boy but it was removed from the site cuz it was a copy of another authors story. if anyone know the author;s story, please post here!
my friend is looking for a story where harry was rise by sirius from young age. in this story, harry is a slut even when he was a baby. do anyone know the name of the story? she is driving me crazy!!!
Hello, i am the author of Harry Potter and the Moon Kingdom, i am looking for a beta. my first beta bailed on me for no reason and so i need beta to help look for mistakes for me! i am deaf, so puncation, etc.. are hard for me to spot. anyone who have a patince with me, pls sent me email at deafteen132@yahoo.com if you are willing to be my beta, thanks
I'm looking for a particular story that i cant remember the name of its the one were harry finds out he's a Malfoy and Draco's twin brother and they are both elves and were separated when they were babies by Sirius who stole them for revenge against Lucius and the potters blood adopted him changing his appearance and hiding his elven heritage from him. please help me!
I need a beta for my story "Harry Potter and the Last Moon Queen". I need a beta that know their way around English, tense, etc..... English is not my best subject, lol. The beta must somewhat have a flexible schedules, like able to return me the story within week. The Beta of course can also add things that they think the story will need and help clear up misunderstands. Please, Be My Beta!!! Thanks!!
I was watching Bewitched when this idea hit me!! I cannot write a story to save my life!! lol here is the challage:
Draco is a rich mortal who married Harry, who is a witch. Similar to the tv show "Bewitched" but different in a way. Lily and James can be either dead or alive. If They are dead, then Harry is rasied by Sirius and his Husband either Servus or Remus. the story is more of a blend of both Harry Potter and Bewitched. the story is mpreg. Harry use his powers the same way Samantha do. the story can either have bashing or not, if is, then it have to be Ron/Hermoine bashing, Dumbledore bashing. Dumbledore are trying to break up both Draco and Harry's Marraige. Draco is a billionare. How they meet is up to the author. they can be either married in the beginning of the story or get married in few chapters. Mpreg is not only limited to Witches but also Humans. Please let me know if You are going to take the challage, i will lvoe to read it! just sent me a message! Thanks for Your time.