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  1. They have a different job title for that. Realistically, I am good at defining systems and worlds: structures of magic or politics, groups and organizations. I can even bring myself to make a few believable characters. The problem is that I lack sufficient imagination to construct the stories for these characters, much less all the minute events that define their personalities. In my case, I think I could write all the training materials for the characters to do their jobs inside the fictional world ... it'd make for a great in-game encyclopedia. The plot? Yeah, not so much. That's why I stick to editing. It's so much easier!
  2. (Internet's down; posting from my phone, so this will be terse...) I beta because I really enjoy editing. Strange, I know. I don't have any published fiction, but I've a few worlds and characters created that I may do something with eventually. I'm not in any hurry to use them, and far too self-conscious of their shortcomings to make them public. Eventually, I would like to turn my creations into a video game. I've always enjoyed designing worlds, and I'd love for my 'readers' to be able to walk around in one of mine.
  3. About me Gay male, 25, employed in the technical writing field for nearly a decade, working on my Master's degree. I'm not very good at brainstorming for new ideas, but I can generally fix anything that's fixable. Since every author has a different comfort level with editing, please let me know if you're just looking for a grammar and punctuation check, or if you'd like in-depth feedback and suggestions on wording, flow, structure, and continuity. Preferred fanfiction pairings/worlds No distinct preferences. My knowledge (and appreciation) of female anatomy is more fuzzy than detailed, though I'm happy to review heterosexual stories if you'd like an objective viewpoint. I personally read and am most familiar with Harry Potter and video game fanfiction, as well as original slash from a variety of authors. Will not ever do - Glorified or repeated rape/non-consentual plot elements - Minors (sexualization of, or involvement with, persons under the age of consent) Not really interested in - Heavy BDSM - Significant abuse - PWP (porn without plot) Feel free to reply to the thread with a link, or send me a private message. I tend to check AFF around midnight (GMT-8) on a more or less daily basis, but my turnaround time depends entirely on how much material you want me to review at once.
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