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Everything posted by Darksavior03

  1. 5th level of hell for me.
  2. I write fan fiction. Many times, my fan fiction deals with adult topics. Rape is one of those topics. Am I a real life rapist? Far from it. I, myself, am a rape survivor. I was raped for several years by my baby sitter's nephew. I am affected by it. For instance, I can not trust men, simple as that. Some would ask: Dark Savior, if you were raped, why would you write about rape? Like an actress, I take what has happened to me and call upon emotions that I have experienced while writing. This always the scene to feel real. Also, it helps me deal with what had happened to me. Not everyone who writes rape scenes are rapists. Some may be doing what I am doing. It also depends on the setting of the story. If they are writing a dark age fan fictions, women did not have equal rights. I, often, place beatings, ect in my own stories because that is what happened in that time. Men owned women.
  3. I can't say I am really surprised at which fandoms have a problem with this. I, myself, am a rapid IY fan; however, I never posted a negative review demanding that the writer finish it right now. I don't think myself that special lol. Truth be told, I believe IY, YGO, HP, and Naruto have some of the biggest children/teenager followings. These people do not have any idea how long it takes to come out with a chapter. Myself, if I am lucky. A 2000 page chapter will take me 3 or four days. My own chapters are anywhere from 4,000-6000 (These can take me anywhere from 5 to ten days). I write for quality, so it takes longer. The problem with teenager followings is that many teenagers do not realise that real life comes in play with these story. One might have a family. I, myself, have a two year old with a husband. We have one computer, and if he is home from work he gets it. I only write on the computer nothing else. Next year it will be worse. I will be going back to school. I doubt my fan fictions will go away; however, they will be put on the back burner. I can understand that the longer it takes to produce a chapter, the author is at risk to losing some reason. As a reader myself, I could wait for monthes between chapters. Look at it this way. It could be that the longer the wait the more quality will be to the chapter.
  4. I must be very lenient when it comes to what makes me leave a story. I am guilty to using shaft in my story and other words. I believe the word choice that a user choices can influence the mood of the story. For a softer scene and/or story setting, I would use softer sounding words. The fan fictions I write deal with a harsher world, set in the Dark Ages. Racism, Torture, ect ran rampant. In my sex scenes, it tends to be raw and violent. So I use words like: pussy, cock to give my readers the feel of those times. I will admit I do favor the term breast over boobs through. I do not use cunt/prick unless I have a rube character who uses such language. They are never used as descriptors. There is one thing that causes me to skip sex scenes or hit the back button. Repeative words. There are so many times I can read the word pussy, cock before the scene becomes boring to me.
  5. This is a new story so there is only one chapter up. I plan on updating it when I have time, and this plans to be a long story. If you liked the video game the Witcher, I suggest you go read it. Please note that this is an alternate universe and takes place five years after the events in Act Four. This is going to be the basis for a player module that my husband is going to be making early 2009. Title: What Lies Beneath Author: Dark Savior Rating: Adult +++ Summary: She was Laelithra of Temeria. She was a rare adapt within an order of ancient witchers, professional monster slayers. He was Geralt of Rivia. He was a famous witcher and her trainer. What happens when the past comes back to haunt her? Will she conquer the witcher's cold heart?Can they overcome the curse that plagues Laelithra, every love she has will end up leaving her? Warnings: AU, Language, M/F, Oral, Other, WIP, Violence Feedback: Yes. This is my first fan fiction that I have completed in a while. Plus it is the first sexual scene that I have done in over two years. Fandom: The Witcher/Wiedźma URL: http://games.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600083504 Thank you for reading. Nicole Dark Savior 03
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