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Everything posted by taziekins

  1. I want to delete a story so I can post a revised version of it, but when I go to my author panel, it won't let me jump to the relevent section (originials) from "anime". It seems to be stuck. I know the story is still there because I can find it through looking in the section I posted it in, but I'm unable to edit/delete it from there.
  2. Hey guys, I'll try to keep this brief and make sense - bear with me! So, I'm writing my first original piece after years of fanfiction, and apart from being my own worst critic, I more or less know where I'm gonig with it. My main problem that I've perceived so far is that I'm writing from the main character's POV and I'm having trouble with past/present/future tense inconsistancies. Sometimes when I switch from unfolding plotline, to her internal thought processes, I'm not sure if she should be thinking in present or past tense. Example: I write: I sighed again, there are nights when I seriously believe I'm the most pathetic blood-sucking fiend of the night that ever lived. Depending on how I squint, cock my head sideways and glare at it, I sometimes think it's OK, but sometimes I think I've spliced past and present tense togother, and came out with something that makes no sense at all. Is this my own paranoia / lack of confidence in my writing, or do I have a genuine problem?
  3. Just for the hell of it, I'll try to write something with those guys. I don't know if I can manage a full on pairing without going OOC (something I try to avoid). It's been ages since I've watched Chronicles of Riddick, and apart from having a "devil may care" - sorry for the pun - attitude, I don't know much about Dante. Should be a fun challenge though, plus I could do with a break from my original writing.
  4. I tend to be repetitive with descriptive words, it's yet another failing of mine that I cling to "brunette" or "blonde" despite there being a million different ways to describe those hair colours. Just an example there. Words I like to read..... oooh boy.....erm, "caress" (if that's even spelled right). I'll edit if I think of more, I just like that word for some reason. *shrugs*
  5. A word I've found alot that always makes me giggle (excuse my odd sense of humour here guys) is "throb", usually used to describe male genitalia twitching randomly while in a state of arousal. Having seen this personally I can only say that having my expression hidden from my bed partner by the low height of where my head was at at the time saved me from massaging an easily bruised ego. I mean come on, what wrong with a little humour in bed play? Personally I don't mind being laughed at, but then again I usually manage to do/say something funny anyway, at least they found it funny. o_0;;
  6. I don't think you need to worry about your ego; I enjoyed reading your work and it would appear that others agree.
  7. The perfectionists strike again eh? Post the link, I'm curious about this now.
  8. Me neither, especially since (in my oppinion) my work from back then is crap.
  9. Cheers for the link, that's going in my fave's section. Now I need to watch Gundam Wing so the characters actually make sense (I'm so behind the anime times). Yeah I don't post on FF anymore either, and shame on them (whoever it was) for tattling on you!
  10. As cowardly as it sounds, I go for avoidence. While it's obvious what my characters are doing I don't out right name body parts, its down to your imagination what words to use and how you picture it.
  11. Reviews: A visible reminder that someone noticed you (your writing) exist and cared enough to leave evidence. Let's face it; if someone doesn't care one way or another about a piece of writing, they'll probably not even finish reading it, let alone comment wether it be negative or positive. I know that probably sounds quite stuck up, but in my opinion it's true. People crave reviews because on some level, conscious or otherwise, they want to be acknowleged and I agree with previous replies to this topic; some people really do need to ask a good friend to please lend a hand in pulling their heads from their arses. Hopefully I'm not one of those people. To me, my main reason for wanting reviews for my work is that I don't want to write pure self indulgent drivel, and I would like to be able to feel that something I've created appeals to others. Selfish? More than likely, but again, another hazard of putting yourself out there and inviting critique.
  12. Keep you away from high buildings with an enforced smoking ban then eh?
  13. Hey don't worry about it, I should know better than to be so defensive by now. I think the main reason it bothers me is because in a lot of the instances where I see it used, it breaks up an otherwise nicely flowing paragraph, and then I'm left thinking, "It's not made of wood literally right? yeouch!" I think the best way to explain this little quirk of mine is, to say that I'm just a walking contradiction; I can be crude,dirty, kinky, whatever you want to call it in person, but for some reason my writing just doesn't quite follow through so to speak. One example being back when I used to ship a particular anime pairing, I got to the point of writing a full on intercourse scene and then veered off literally at the last second into something completely opposite, and then never completed the follow up chapter. *shrug* I'm my own worst enemy I think.
  14. Would now be a bad time to point out im not wearing a skirt?
  15. I've yet to finish watching IY so I can't comment on the rabid fans. All I can say is write at your owen pace, no-one elses, or you're just going to burn out and get frustrated no matter what you want to write, wether its updating existing work, or something new.
  16. Weird Al and Nhym (see youtube WoW parody songs, "Hard Like Heroic" is highly reccommended).
  17. Reminds me of a circular argument I've been having with my mother on-and-off for years now: Mother: I'm too young to be made a Granny, don't you ever have kids! Me: Well my body's been saying otherwise since I was twelve! (Not that it ever entered my mind to tell her I had no intention of running out and getting pregnant as soon as physically possible. Parents just don't give kids the credit for the comman sense they were born with these days.) While I'm here, I know it's probably in the wrong section, but could someone possibly give my "Damphire" fic a check over, and maybe suggest a few vocab/writing tips? Like I said, I'm my own worst critic and left to my own devices I'll never be happy with anything I write
  18. I used to be a member on a forum for tyka shippers, and believe me, as long as it was tyka they had an "anything goes" policy. Maybe there are similar forums out there for Gundam? I like the gundam seed anime btw, but haven't seen any of the rest. Could you send me links to your fics sometime?
  19. I always thought if you write a piece of work, you are a "writer" whether its original or fanfic.
  20. lmao! 'nuff said eh?
  21. Um, not sure how much help this will be, but you could try watching vid's of dances you like, then try to describe them yourself? For those of us not overly familiar with some particular dance moves, to say a character does a move by name rarther than by description might be a little confusing.
  22. I did have one, my best friends (then) bf, but when they split he moved away
  23. I was only answering the question, as in that word does seem to get overused a bit - granted, not as much as others. It's jsut one of a few words in particular that make me hesitate in the middle of an otherwise nicely flowing piece of writing. I'm not arguing the good or bad aspects of sex in general, I'm just saying I find it hard to believe that people can always have out of this world mind blowing sex first time they do it with someone, and I don't mean that in the virginal sense either! No amount of experience can make it so you know exactly what gets someone without having learned their body firsthand, and most people have at least a little aukwardness where for example: something intended as nice feeling just plain tickles. Apologies to anyone who disagrees, but I speak from personal experience, not any kind of imagined superiority complex. I put myself down too much to have an ego And as far as the kiny comment goes, I'm novice there and I have surprised myself a few times lately.
  24. Back when I used to post on FF.net I put a note on my profile saying flamers would be reported to admin since only an idiot would read a fic after going past the paragraph stating the content warnings, and ignoring the fact that said warning included stuff they didn't want to read. I mostly get writers block because I'm a perfectionist who never gets it right, and my own worst critic. I'm currently trundling along with my first attempt at an original piece of writing, and it took me six months of constant tweaking to be satisfied with chapter one. My long list of self perceived faults include: silly spelling mistakes ("gonig" instead of "going" "jsut" instead of "just" etc.) repitition long winded paragraphs of internal character monologue "jumping" scenarios that just don't flow like they should
  25. I'm sick of seeing the word "shaft". And why do alot of authers (published and online alike) sometimes make every little thing people do to eachother sound like the most amazing thing in the world? Some would aparantly have us believe you can make someone orgasm just from a kiss. Personally the transfering of saliva doesn't do it for me.
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