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Posts posted by Erisah

  1. As far as what makes people in general "fear" criticism, be it constructive or not, has already been pretty well covered, but I have to say, as much as I like receiving reviews, the one thing that makes me really cringe is when I get a "OMG LAWLZ UR STORY WUZ KEWL" breed of review.

    As much as I am glad that they a) took the time to comment, and :( liked my story, I am rarely trying to appeal to the squeeing fangirl demographic, and so when I get that kind of review I can't help but be mildly mortified.

    On the other hand, if someone took the time to brutally point out every last misplaced comma and continuity hole in my story, despite the fact that I would initially be no doubt embarrassed and potentially unhappy about this (hell, no one likes to hear they aren't prefect after all)... but in the long run, I would probably read over the review and go, "okay, well I disagree about this part, I can't really change that because it would mess up X, but Y and Z, now there are two things that I could play around with..."

    And all in all, have my writing enriched because of it.

    In short: if you find my story http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600098743, please, don't worry about my ego, rip it to shreds!

  2. Title: Bela the Nymphomaniac Vampire Slayer

    Author:Marie Shear/Erisah Mae



    "When you're sleeping with vampires, there's no such thing as being over-prepared... but the adrenaline hit you get. Man, there is nothing else like the realisation you're still alive after a vamp has given you a neck dive". AU/AR, Bi, F/F, Language, M/F, OC, Parody, VS, WIP

    Feedback: Please. I would love to get some feedback, and also, whatever pet hates people have about the vampire genre, if you leave them in a review or an email I'd be happy to add them to my list for lampooning.

    Fandom: Original, Miscellaneous Vampire


    Just what it says on the box folks, this story is being written to counterract the ridiculous cliches inherent in the vampire genre... that's the snob reason anyway. The reason I'm actually writing this is that the plot bunny for the character of Bela has been bouncing around in my head for the better part of a year, and I decided that this character needed to see the light... and hell, I get a kick out of writing her. Hopefully almost as much as a kick as you'll get out of reading her, and if you don't, please tell me why so I can improve!

    Thanks a lot for your time guys and gals, I totally appreciate every hit my story receives, let alone reviews.

    -Erisah Mae/Marie Shear

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