Hm, violent rape is okay but consensual yaoi isn't that bad either, though for the aggressive Hollows it's frequntly OOC. Anyway... what if Aizen told Ulqi to fuck Orihime? In that case he'd obey orders After all, he was given the duty of jailing and pacifying her and stuff. It's really only betraying Aizen if Aizen forbays him to do it. Something tells me that between the two in a yaoi situation, Aizen would be the top, so if Ulqi wants to play top sometimes, Orihime is the bicycle for it. It's certainly what the anime is playing at. I don't hate other pairings, but it's better if it takes their feelings into consideration. Renji and Rukia certainly have great chemistry, but they're also much like friends too. Ichigo has literally thrown Rukia away from himself at Renji though, and that definately symbolized something. Plus, Hueco Mundo is a total flipside of the Soul Society arc. Initially Ichigo left Inoue behind to save Rukia, now he left Rukia behind to save Inoue. In both cases the girl walked away willingly to save Ichigo... lol