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  1. Sorry had to sign in
  2. I would just like to submit that Dong Bang Shin Ki and Super Junior, listed in the "Celebrities" -> "J-rock/J-pop" section, are K-pop groups. If a "K-pop/K-rock" section could be added, I would like to request that the bands/artists "Rain/Bi", "Fly to the Sky", "H.O.T", "ShinHwa" (who are currently under "Celebrities" -> "Singers/Bands" -> "S through Z"), "The TRAX", and "Epik High" be added there as well. I have some stories for H.O.T and plan to write some for the others. Also, there is a subcategory under "Celebrities" -> "Singers/Bands" -> "1 through F" called "DBSK" which is just another name for Dong Bang Shin Ki, so those stories should probably be moved to the Dong Bang Shin Ki section even if Dong Bang Shin Ki is never taken out of the subheading "J-rock/J-pop".
  3. Sorry to everyone to whom I've promised a story, but my current circumstances render me unable to fulfill these promises. I'll be taking off for a bit, maybe 6 months or so, and at that point I'll try to complete anything I've started, but this is really unavoidable. Again, sorry everyone.
  4. I am the taker of challenges, no matter how odd. I would love to write your story for you. My only problem: I can't do HarryxLily. Sorry. But I'll include the other optional pairings.
  5. http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600018895 There ya go, first chappie up
  6. http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600018916 There ya go. Enjoy!
  7. OMG I just died laughing at this idea. Thusly, I will write it for you, if it hasn't been done for you already. I don't need beta-ing, as I myself am a beta, but I have a couple problems... in what section would I post it? And is that technically beastiality? This is by far and away the weirdest challenge I've ever undertaken.
  8. I would love to take up your story. Not promising anything lengthy, but I will have it done eventually. The first Chap should be up in the Draco/Hermione section asap
  9. My name is Stephanie, pseudonym Stevie or Ian. I have no "resume" to show, as all of my editing has been, thus far, done in real life, but I have won awards (including a spelling bee) for my proper use of grammar, punctuation, spelling, detail, etc. I love editing stories, especially Harry Potter, Dong Bang Shin Gi, and Dir en Grey fanfiction, (sometimes H.O.T, Fushigi Yuugi, and a few others), and would love to edit any/all requested fics. All pairings and genres are fine with me. Feel free to ask for my services at any time.
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