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Lord of the Rings

Anything Middle Earth


  1. Fandom Resources

    Here's where we discuss what we know about a Fandom's canon, its characters, fandom-specific writing tips, and more. Through these discussions, we hope to create a reliable in-house source of research for future Authors.

  2. General

    If you can't find another place on this list where your fandom specific idea belongs, this is the place to be!

  3. AU

    Alternate Universe Stories -- love 'em? Hate 'em? Read 'em? Write 'em? Tell us about your alternate world.

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  4. Crossovers

    For those who love their Fandom, but just can't keep some other favorites from making their appearances. Come talk about why you love to mix who you mix with others who can't help themselves either.

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  5. Het-Male/Female

    Lovin' the old fashioned way! Here's your domain.

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  6. Slash-Male/Male

    Guy-on-guy, old-school; talk about your favorite Slash here.

  7. FemSlash-Female/Female

    For those who love to read or write about a good ladies' night out... or in. Chat about your favorite Femslash here.

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  8. Threesome/Moresome

    Greedy! But, if your favorite Stories are of the more-are-merrier type, this is the place for you.

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