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When the Monks lose the Realm (Naruto/MK)

Guest Kid Coheed

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Guest Kid Coheed

The Fourth Shinobi War had recently ended and the Five Major villages were slowly rebuilding stronger and together. That is til the Gokage and Naruto were asked to have a meeting with the Monks of Elementia. As it turns out they were hiding one fact from the Ninja this entire time, the fact that the world had been under the threat of being Annexed by Outworld and its ruler Shao Kahn. But now after the War it was too late and the realm was lost. Strong armed into assisting and Guarding Shao Khan with the promise of releasing Elementia from his Grasp, Naruto must learn of a way to stop Shao Kahn and free his world and stop the mad man's Conquest. 

Naruto can't just kill Shao Kahn as doing so will make it so that His Realm and Outworld can never be seperated, he must get Shao Kahn to do it or other wise get the Elder God's to declare Shao Kahns expansion unfair. He attempts to do so by becoming a leak to resistance groups like Nitara, Khameleon, The Edenians like Kitana, Jade and Rain, The White Lotus Society of Earth realm and other of the like, he is able to do so because Shao Kahn believes Naruto is unable to keep it in his pants and thus his time away from Kahns fortress is Naruto fucking women, he isn't wrong but it also serves a purpose like Naruto's mentor Jiraiya taught the Last Uzumaki. Naruto also uses his dick in order to gain information from those Shao Kahn trust, like Sindel, Mileena, Tanya, Skarlet and the like. Since the 5 Villages and all of Naruto's world would be integrated you can add women from Naruto's world into the fun, like Mei, Anko, Hinata, Ayame, ect. This also extends to MK women not mention like Sareena (and her Demoness sisters), Kira, Tasia, Frost, ect. 

Naruto can be nerfed to make this story really interesting if you have him allow Kurama to be free after the battle with Kaguya, but it's not necessary as most MK characters can and usually are buffed by mystical and divine means. Shao Kahn is depicted as literal Godlike with his black magic and physical abilites as not even gods like Raiden, Fuujin or former elder gods like Shinnok can brush Shao Kahn aside to a secondary role.


Keep the genitals and secondary sexuality features to human preportions, even if they are at the end of human preportions. They can be impossibly high, perky, round and firm. Same for Naruto's junk, keep it at a foot max

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