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I do not own anything HP related. It all belongs to JK Rowling, Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Inc., Warner Bros., and any other entities involved.

Author's Note: So here is several challenges for people to do, anyone can write for them just please e-mail me with the link to the fic when posted. What all of these fics have in common is Bottom!Harry. I accept (since I know that it happens in real life relationships) it when Harry Tops once in a great while. So these story ideas come from me getting angry at fanfiction, for example: not a lot of Whore!Harry or Slave!Harry fics or the whole creaturefic where there are mates (for creatures that traditionally don't have mates). Oke so…

Challenge 1: Willing Slave (main pairing: Drarry)

Plot: Harry is forced to pick up books at the local Library for Dudley's summer project on Slavery in Britain. Harry becomes curious about Wizarding Slavery and orders book (pick a place). Deciding that slavery would help protect him Harry returns to Hogwarts and picks Draco Malfoy. Harry will first need to make sure that Draco doesn't have the Dark Mark. After he is assured his rules for the slavery are: Doesn't want to be killed, Doesn't want to be given to Voldemort. (add more if you want). Don't care how it happens but this altercation should occur in a dark hallway with only Harry, Draco and the paintings. To prove his worth/sincerity/willingness Harry should suck Draco off.

Timeline: After Harry kills the Basilisk and Before Voldemorts return in fourth year.

Slavery rules:

the slave is allowed to draw up rules into the slavery contract upon initial forming of the contract.

Contract is not on paper.

Contract is not subject to change.

(Ex. Slave can say they do not want their life in mortal danger. So the slave can be beat, but not beat unto an inch of their life. (please note the slave can still be killed)).

The slave is slave to their master first and their master's master second.

(ex. (patriarchal society) master's father or other living male relatives that are of higher rank (godfathers, uncles, grandfathers) say the master is a Baronet the slave will answer to the (in order low to high) Baron, Viscount, Earl, Marquis, Duke, Prince, and King and any sons they may have).

But say the slave of the prince of Wales swears loyalty to the King of France the slave is not a slave to the King of France.

This might help: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Styles_and_titles_of_peers pay attention to the Royalty, Nobility and Gentry sections (this is the order, I'm pretty sure)

Harry answers to in order: Draco (master), Lucius (master's father), Severus (master's godfather), People of higher rank to Lucius (master's father's masters), and Sirius (master's mother's cousin (has no sway, but is only other relative) only if Draco says to listen to him).

My Hopes for Fic:

Harry getting a collar and a skimpy slave outfit

Draco becomes board in History of Magic, and Harry sucks him off.

Remember: Harry is willing, fighting should be a minimum.

Challenge 2: Harry Raised as a Whore (main pairing: ?)

Plot: The Dursley's whore out Harry from a young age. Harry not knowing any better allows it to happen. Although if Harry's life is in danger, his magic will protect him. The ministry records all happenings of accidental magic to cross-reference and make sure that all muggleborn students were/will be invited to one of the magical schools. Harry's case soon becomes talk of the ministry since Harry doesn't know his own name and all bouts of magic are being registered under Boy (or some other such thing). Lucius casually mentions it to some of his more seedy associates (who wouldn't mind using a muggle/muggleborn whore) and Lucius discovers that it is Harry Potter.

Scenario 2.1: Lucius realizes the whore is Potter when he sees Harry with Draco at the Robe Shop. Since Hagrid isn't there (at that moment) Takes Harry home and uses him as a whore.

Secenario 2.2: Lucius realizes the whore is Potter when he sees Harry with Draco at the Robe Shop. Since Hagrid isn't there (at that moment) Takes Harry home and with the remaining month before school starts helps Harry have a more normal life.

Note: If a story like this already exists just e-mail me draechaeli@gmail.com

Challenge 3: Creature!Harry (main pairing: Snarry, or Drarry or SS/DM/HP or LM/SS/HP or whoever)

Note: I'm sick of Creature fics that screw up the creature. Especially the Incubus/Succubus fics.


Harry is a Succubus

Scenario 3.1: Harry's family ignores him as a child (like canon). As a succubus Harry needs affection, until he is old enough to have sex (when puberty begins). The lack of affection starves Harry and that is the real reason Harry is skinny and short for his age. When he meets Hagrid he realizes that Hagrid could squish him so in the Robe shop, Harry clings to Draco since he is the best candidate so far. Draco takes Harry to his parents. Draco, Lucius, Narcissa (if you want), and Severus decide that Harry needs to be cuddled/coddled/loved until he is old enough and then he'll need lots of sex.

Scenario 3.2: Harry's family ignores him as a child (like canon). As a succubus Harry needs life energy in the form of sex. The lack of sex starves Harry and that is the real reason Harry is skinny and short for his age. (You could add that he was "raped" by a primary school teacher if you would like). When he meets Hagrid he realizes that Hagrid could squish him so in the Robe shop, Harry clings to Draco since he is the best candidate so far. Draco takes Harry to his parents. Draco, Lucius, and Severus, and they start to feed Harry (best candidate would probably be Lucius). Since Harry has been starved he will need lots of continual sex until he is full (insert threesome/moresome here) and after the initial feeding there would need to be frequent feedings to keep him healthy.

Succubus/Incubus: For one are both masculine. Traditionally a Succubus is female, but it is simply this. An Incubus collects energy by penetrating a victim and drawing the energy from whatever surrounds (mouth, vagina, anus, etc.) the tool that is penetrating (the incubus' tongue, finger, penis, etc.). A succubus collects energy by being penetrated by the victim and drawing energy from whatever tool is penetrating (tongue, finger, penis, etc.) the orifice (mouth, vagina, anus, etc.).

Note: so there would be no mate for Harry, just willing donors. As in multiple. As Harry would be taking life energy the victims/donors would become tired or could even die. Magic would held but in the initial feeding there would need to be multiple people involved. A good reference to show what I mean is "A Map of Tokyo Savage: A Side Story" it involves a young succubus.

Challenge 4: Harry raised by Creatures (main pairing: Snarry, or Drarry)

Plot: Through some means (your decision) Harry is raised by satyrs/fauns. Dumbldore searches for Harry, finds him and then convinces Harry to go to Hogwarts. Harry used to the Satyr/Faun lifestyle searches out for sex while at Hogwarts.

Satyr: are Greek they are creatures of sex and reckless abandonment. They worship Dionysus the god of wine, ritual madness and ecstasy. Their own kindred god is Pan, God of the flock and has his own conquests. Satyrs' bottom half is that of a goat. Originally depicted with human feet and a horse tail. Later were depicted cloven and with a goats tail. Mature male satyrs have horns and the young have knobs where horns will grow. I have seen them depicted having sex with all manner of animals; goats and humans alike. Based on Greek culture, they would have little problem engaging a young boy in sex. Satyrs were actually considered uncouth and savage and therefore while Greek practiced pederasty (erotic practices between adult males and adolescent boys), Satyrs might have practiced paedophilia. Either way a child raised by them would be used to daily drunken orgies, whether or not they were a part of it.

Faun: are Roman they are creatures of sex and reckless abandonment. They worship Bacchus the god of wine, ritual madness and ecstasy. Their own kindred god is Faunus, God of the flock and has his own conquests, and the Goddess Fauna. Fauns' bottom half is that of a goat. Mature male fauns have horns and the young have knobs where horns will grow. I have seen them depicted having sex with all manner of animals; goats and humans alike. Based on Roman culture (which is a bit more strict then Greek in terms of sex), they would have little problem engaging a young boy in sex. Fauns were actually considered uncouth and savage and therefore while Romans practiced pederasty (the child who was penetrated would forever be a bottom and could never top, by Roman law), fauns might have practiced paedophilia and would probably broken all Roman sex related laws ( No oral sex, No mouth to any body part other then mouth, No lesbians, and If you have been penetrated you can never Penetrate). Either way a child raised by them would be used to daily drunken orgies, whether or not they were a part of it.

Note: you need to pick one satyr or faun at least to keep the god's names to the right culture. To both Romans and the Greeks large penises were funny but satyr/fauns always were well endowed. In Rome a penis was a sign of protection. I wrote a paper on Roman Sex in public, if you have any questions e-mail me: draechaeli@gmail.com.

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Guest CrisNoWait

Lmao at your challenges, did you get a lot of response? Ever heard of my home base aarin, I am wrapping up a contest, if you like I can post your challeng there, for pervs they will get a kick out it. :wub:

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