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Fem!Harry SPH

Guest Forgotten_Oracle

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Guest Forgotten_Oracle

set during book 5,

The Dementor attack never happens instead Fem!Harry (Rose for sake of typing) continues where male!harry left off on teasing Dudley about his nicknames enjoying how effective it is against him due to his slightly obvious crush on her, eventually she asks what they are all calling him now only to be told its “Big D”, this causes her to laugh before congratulating him on his growth spurt & openly stating that she remembers walking in on him last Summer during his happy-time and it certainly wasn’t very big back then so ti must have grown a heck of a lot since

Dudley’s embarrassment gets the better of him leading him to say that he has the biggest in the neighborhood and everyone knows it, causing Rose to laugh at him again and tease him more by jokingly telling him to prove it then, unfortunately for Dudley he doesn’t seem to notice this and tells he will when they back to the house to rose’s shock and open amusement

Once back home Dudley attempts to go out of his way to avoid being alone with Rose and her constant teasing/jokes about being home now so he can get on with the show as she relishes in finally being able to hold something above his head after all these years, even if it something silly such as this

Dudley manages to sneak upstairs to his bedroom without her noticing leaving her to be forced to wait for Vernon and Petunia to excuse her from the Living Room before she can leave otherwise running the risk of several lectures and questions about her “suspicious behavior”

feeling quite cheated at this point despite never intending for the evening to play out this way or even for him to actually show anything Rose marches upstairs and barges into Dudley’s room intending to amp up her teasing by pretending to be upset about him leading her on only to back out at the last second

instead she comes face to….well penis, as during the time she had been downstairs Dudley had taken a shower and was just about to get changed having accidentally dropped the towel whilst turning to face her as she burst into the room giving her a full frontal view of his “Not-so-Big D”

Dudley notices a draft where there shouldn’t be one but unfortunately cannot look away from his very pretty cousin who suddenly appeared like she had just won the lottery several times over before looking him dead in the eye with a seductive smirk and asks him if he had gotten smaller?

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