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Gamer Harry in DxD

Guest Draynuy

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Guest Draynuy

When Harry’s expelliarmus hits the Killing Curse at the end of the battle of Hogwarts, an explosion of light swallows the school and stop the time.

Harry, wondering what happening, is accosted by a surprising visit; Fate has came to congratulate him and offer him a prize, either continue the action in place, leading him to a long and happy life but rather boring, or help her in another world, where he will also live happily but with the chance to know a loving familly and with two added bonus.

After a short reflection, Harry comes to the conclusion that boring is not for him and accept the proposition to goes into another world. Fate give him then his bonus, the first is a gift named "the Gamer" that will allow him to live his live like a video game; the second is the possibility to meet some members of his friend and of his familly in the new world.

The last words that Harry heards is “I hope you will also enjoy your last gift, a Harem”. After that, Harry awake into a slightly younger body, knowing that he live with his widowed mother, Lily, and two younger twin sisters Rose and Sakura. The first thing he saw is a floting screen saying: new game+; welcome in DxD.

Plot can follow DxD but with obvious change, don’t hesitate also to create new plot. Harry must become part of Rias peerage.

Harry’s Harem must be composed of :

Rias and her peerage but with a female Gasper, Arturia, aka Saber from Fate Stay Night, who replace Kiba and Ginny, who begins as Harry’s best friend and replace Issei as wielder of the Boosted Gear.

Harry’s future peerage who must contain his mother, his two sister, Ravel, stella (or sveta) from golden sun dark dawn and others of your choice

Maybe Sona and the female members of her peerage


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