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How to read your reviews


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How to read your reviews

1) First, make sure you're logged into the archive.

2) Near the top right corner of the screen, you'll see your username.  Hover your mouse over that and a drop-down menu will appear.  The first option will be “My Profile”.  When you hover your mouse over that, another menu will appear with various options.  Ignore those and simply click “My Profile”.  



3) On the left of the screen, you'll see a window with the word “Profiles” on it. Below that you'll see a variety of options; click the one that says “Stories Written”.


4) A new screen will load showing you the categories your stories have been uploaded to. For example, 'Harry Potter', 'Original', etc. Click on whichever category the story is in.


5) A new screen will load that shows you all the stories you've uploaded to that category. Each story will have a “Read Reviews” link. If there are reviews available for that story, then a number will be in front of it; for example, “(3)Read Reviews”. If you click on that link, you'll be able to read the reviews.

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