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Request: Ero-novelization of Pokemon ORAS

Guest Draynuy

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Guest Draynuy

The title say most of it, I would like to read a kinky novelization of pokemon ORAS with Brendan as main character. Also this novelisation must not be just smut, the plot must be present even is if there can be lemon in each chapters if you want.

For some details :

The journey must be one year for the entire region, it must be show in the novelization so the distance between town must be longer (the Clementi 's forest must be at least three day of Travel) and there can be others small towns or villages.

Pokephilia is, if not common, rather well practiced by a good part of the trainers but it is not publicly displayed.

Brendan has a gift to see the sex and the potential of all pokemon in one glance.

Brendan can have until 10 active pokemons, a female gardevoir and latias are obligate. The majority (if not all) of his pokemons must be female, if he catch some males they must help him to mate with all his females. Brendan must slowly discover pokephilia but quickly become adept to it.

Brendan can and must have sex with some female trainers, and gym leaders.

Timmy must be female, also there must be another female Character who dream to be a pokemon ranger and who take the third starter. Fem!Timmy, May, the original character and Amaryllis must be the most recurrent human lovers of Brendan and they will form his future elite four.

A possible sequel must be either future travel in other region or some preparation for Brendan and his girls to take the place as Elite or the two solution.

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