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You Forget Who Lives Here Too, Mom!


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On Tuesday, she made a comment about going to town on Thursday for shopping. Well, here it is Thursday and I asked her when do you want to go to town to shop? She looked at me like what? and said, we aren't going to town to shop, Beth. What makes you think that?

I told her that she said that we would be going shopping on Thursday back on Tuesday morning.

She said, I didn't make plans on Tuesday to shop besides I have plenty of cat food in the house.

I said, what about butter?

Dad got it, she replied.

There are other people in the house, mom, besides the cats. We need food too. The fridge is almost bare. I said.

She walked away from me.

Mom has forgotten that even though she doesn't eat a lot of food a day, we do and there is just a few things left in the fridge, like ham, eggs, milk, butter, salad, carrots and V8 cans and stuff that Craig has in there, outside of the fridge is potatos, onions, cereal, pretzels and potato chips.

But if you look for food to handle feeding a family of four; three of whom who usually will go back for seconds, a simple one serving meal doesn't cut it, we will be hungry within an hour or so after that.

My food that I have in the fridge is nothing! I already finished off the pizza that we had on Tuesday after we voted.

But if you look in the pantry, you will see three things that is mine - two jars of tamales and a box of soup. That's it, in the house in the ways of food.

And the only time mom will leave the house for is food for the cats and if we are entertaining someone we would need food to eat or that we are invited to dinner somewhere like the grandunits house or to a restuarant.

If I had my license I would have done my horses and gone shopping on my own to get some of the food that I want in the house. But I don't and I have to wait till mom needs to go shopping for cat food to shop for human food.

Mom only eats once a day! compared to dad, me and Craig, we three eat about three to four times a day. I even starve myself as I normally eat about five times a day, mainly because the pill I take in the morning makes my stomach pump the food out and empties faster then it used to.

Mom is not thinking about the other humans in the house but herself when it comes to needing to shop for human food as it usually ends up being done when the cat food level in the house is low and that is the only reason if we ain't entertaining anyone.

But I think she is trying to conserve the money that we have in the bank or on the credit card for something more important - like the ads to sell more land here at the Lake of the Ozarks, which at the moment is like not happening, we might not even sell any land till April when cabin fever starts hitting people in the Chicago area. But with how people are hording their money or spending it on bills, buying land is a luxery item, they won't buy till things get better even if we do sell it at a good price.


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Saving up money is a good thing, but if you do it at the expense of starving to death then I can't see too many positives in that. I'm afraid your mum sounds a wee bit selfish. Luckily my mum is the opposite and would literally give you the last food she had, even if it meant her starving to death to do it. As long as it's family, of course.

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one of my daughters and my husband both eat just once a day. Another daughter eats twice. The rest of us eat four times a day. morning, noon, after school and just before bed. I cut out the last one due to it being Lent and all. Groceries are frickin expensive, spend about 1/2 my wage on food. Your mom could at least make you some porridge and boiled eggs in the morning...or...you could...I guess...(you are over 5 years old, right? my kids could fry an egg by then and make toast) (kind of freaked me out actually one morning when my first kid did it at 3 years old.) But I digress. It's too bad about the food being so low on the list. My kids at that point would be surreptitiously sneaking a fiver from my purse and heading to the forbidden cornerstore for junk food. I'd rather cook them an egg with toast than they give my hard-earned money to those thieves.

That's how I think. I can't not eat. I tried that once and man, I don't think that I could do it again.

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I do make my own food but with the limited amount of food, I'm forcing myself not to eat more then twice a day and right now, I'm hungry.

And I did offer to put the groceries on my credit card so we could have something beyond what we ate today, but they said no. Well, I did offer and they didn't want to drive into town and shop for food.

I guess they are waiting for their credit card to be paid off and get some space on it so we can use it again.


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