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TEMPORARY fix for walloftext issue


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I will be restoring an older version of a core file for the old software. This will eliminate the wallotext issue as something visible. This does NOT fix those chapters and is cosmetic ONLY.

As I am currently working in the books subdomain to fix these issues, I will not restore the older file here.

I will add the newer version to the archive, a subdomain at a time, as I progress through with the emergency repair of this. When I add this file, the story chapters that are going to wall, will wall VISIBLY.

I am only adding the text containers. I am not converting any formatting tags pre-existing, or anything else like that.

Understand that while this will address the issue cosmetically, it does not fix the data itself. If your stories are currently like this now, they will be again once the new story coding is added, or when I re-upload the newer core file. Whichever happens first.

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