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Looking for HP Slash Crossover Beta

Guest newyorican

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Guest newyorican


I am currently looking for a (hopefully) permanent beta for my Harry Potter slash fics. Most of them (in fact, almost all of them) are crossovers. They are 99% of the time Harry-centric as he is my all-time favorite character. So far I have two stories published that need beta-ing. They are:

Title: Wish Upon A Star

Pairing: Edward/Harry

Genre: Romance/Humor

Rating: T

Warnings: AU, slight OOC, fluff, slight angst.

Summary: One night, a lonely Edward Cullen wishes on a falling star to help him find his mate. He never expected the star to take a physical form to try to grant his wish, nor did he expect to start to develop feelings for said star.

Chapters: 12/15 or 16.

Title: Pleasant Dreams

Pairing: Jacob/Harry

Genre: Romance/Hurt/Comfort

Rating: M

Warnings: eventual underage sex (Jacob 16, Harry 15), slight OOC, AU.

Summary: In an attempt to rid Harry of his nightmares, Sirius gives him a dreamcatcher from the Black family vault. Little did he know, the legend behind the dreamcatcher is real and causes some rather...pleasant...side effects for Harry.

Chapters: 5/?

I also have plans for more HP/Twilight crossovers or anything else that comes to mind. In a beta reader, I expect skills in grammar, spelling, knowledge of at the very least the Harry Potter universe, and someone who likes to read slash since that's all I write. If any more info is needed, please feel free to e-mail me at brambleiceweb (at) hotmail (dot) com. Thanks for taking the time to read this!

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