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OC profile Xel

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Fandom: Jak and Daxter

Name of character: Xel (Said Zel)

Race of character: Human (With elf's ears If some one knows the actual answer to what race Jak is since Xel is of the same I would greatly appreciate knowing)

Age of character: 17 -18

Height of character: 5' 7'

Weight of character: 178

Brief background of character: Son of Mar (Jak) unknown to every one of where he came from. As far as every one is concerned he was born into servitude as an arena fighter in Spargus. Even at a young age he was able to handle his own in combat against the bigger groups of arena thugs. At the age of 17 he was finally able to buy his way from the arena but it was his way of life so now he competes as a free lance.

Character's position or job: Gladiator

Strengths/Skills: Eco (Energy) Control, Can call upon his elements to make him stronger, transform himself and more things that I have yet to think about.

Are these skills typical of the fandom? If not, why?: Not really the thoughts of controlling energy go waaay back. However Eco is the energy of what's around you so being able to whip up his own sand storm in a desert is a good thing being able to walk thought it because of the level of control he has is better.

Weaknesses/Bad habits: He is a guy...Perv...nothing really other then the usual vices.

Distinctive features, if any: The Green Yellow hair that he shares with his father

Are these features unique in the fandom? If so, why?: Yes Jak is known for his ears and his hair color.

Connections to canon characters (if any): He is the Son of Mar...

How does your character get on with those around him/her?: Fairly well because he has learned respect from the arena

What does the other characters think of your character when they met her/him?:He is just another kid on the street...till they get to know him.

Well comments, ideas...share please :)

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  • 9 months later...

I see no Gary stu in him, he is henceforth proclaimed "Clean of the Curse of Mary"! All his uber comes from in realm in the fandom. All main characters have unique aspects, so having a few on your OC is normal. I like the eco control.

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