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Parody's Gray Areas


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I have a very old, short Simpsons badfic that was originally in response to a gawdaful fanfic by someone else. It doesn't use any part of the original author's story (which is for an entirely different fandom), and I couldn't come even close to the full wretchedness of the original's so-called style. There is no way the author of the story which inspired my piece of trash would ever consent; I don't even know if there's a way to contact her since this was a very long time ago. So, I was hoping to post mine simply as a "badfic" in its own right, without making any reference whatsoever to the original story.

Would this be too close to the line, or even stepping over it?

If so then I'll post my old Simpsons BDSM story instead. ;)

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Well, you may have been inspired by the other fic, but, as long as you're not using any part of it, or referencing it (other than maybe saying that this gave you an idea or something like that), I don't see a problem.

Where the problems come in, is when people state that it's not just inspired by xx story, but is using xx stories characters, writing an alternate scene, etc. THOSE need permission.

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Something else to keep in mind is we have authors who MST others, which is fine. Now, in those for instances, should the author being MST'd have a problem with the story, then I would be obligated to remove it, yes. But most of the time, the authors have great senses of humor, so I've yet to encounter that as in issue.

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