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Crossover Challenge


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The Concept:

* The Elric brothers weren’t able to destroy the Permanent Gate on Earth. The energy it put off drew the attention of the wizarding world. The Ministry moved the gate to the England Ministry of Magic building and agreed to keep it hidden. Back on Amestris, Roy just exploded the Gate leaving the circle that Al used to summon it more or less intact.

-What if someone on Amestris came through the Gate?

-Why did they come?

-What kind of reception would they receive?

-How do they feel about alchemy?

-How would they get back?

The Rules:

1. Must be full canon for both ‘verses. This means Post-COS for Full Metal Alchemist. As for the Harry Potter, you must state which book/chapter you deviate at. For example: DH-last chapter if you decide to toss out the Epilogue. But most be complete canon through the book/chapter you choose. If you chose to be canon through HBP then all characters’ death/actions through the end of that book must remain intact.

2. Must have at least been spelling/grammar checked. In MS Works and related programs, this function is F7. Otherwise it can be found in the Tools Menu. When in doubt, read the sentence aloud.

3. No Mary Sue or her cousin Gary Sue. They are annoying when not well-written and when they are well-written…well, who are we fooling? If it’s a Mary Sue, it’s not well-written.

4. No Crossover ‘Ships. Translation: A HP character falling deeply in love with a FMA character for the sole reason that you think that they would be oh, so good together. I’m sorry.

5. No Parodies, please. FMA is a serious-minded genre and HP is not too fluffy itself [Epilogue not withstanding.] Do not fear the angst. [No need to feel as if there can’t be comic relief however.]

Exceptions to Aforementioned Rules and Notes:.

1. A Crossover fling is fine. We all love hot sex. Nothing is more life-affirming than sex.

2. ‘Interaction’ does not necessarily mean sex. It just means a scene with those two characters interacting with each other.

3. Find an explanation for the time stream funkiness.

4. Remember the Soap Opera Motto: No body? No Death. And even with a body, a death is debatable.

The Bonus Points:

FMA Points:

---Roy Mustang as Fuhrer

---The use of blood as a catalyst for alchemy on this side of the Gate

---”Full Metal Pipsqueak”

---Winry R/Roy M interaction

---”So, Ed, I’m dying to know: boxers or briefs?”

---”Alchemy or food? That’s not a fair choice!”

HP Points:

---the phrase: “Merlin’s Balls”, “Merlin’s Long Johns”, and/or “Merlin’s Pantyhose”

---Harry Potter as something other than a Quidditch star or Auror. [sorry. Pet Peeve since the DH came out. See DH; chapter ‘The Flaw in the Plan‘; last page.]

---Draco M/Harry P interaction

---Veela Romances as the Wizarding world’s version of dime store romances.

Misc. Points:

---”Ugh, green eggs and ham? Who’d want to eat that?”

---”Is Dr. Pepper really a doctor?”

---”He’s like Dr. Pepper and Mr. Pibb.”//”You mean, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.”//”Who are they?”

---An introduction to chocolate, coffee, and/or marshmallows.

If you are going to accept this challenge, please email me at tsunamiraven928@aol.com. Please include site the fic is posted on, the name you publish under, and title of story. Or you could copy and paste the url of story in your email...that works too.

But feel free to email even if you’re just thinking about taking the challenge or have any other thoughts about it.

Thank You,

~A.M. Adams~

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