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Return to the Labyrinth(Challenge)


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Plot: A 15 year old girl, called Jamie is sick of her life. She is sick, of school, sick of her parents and her older sister, Angel. She was watching a movie one day called,'The Labyrinth' and that night she had a big fight with her sister and went to bed slamming the door behind her screaming,"I wish I never had to see you again!" She sit in front of her mirror crying, and remember the movie she had watched earlier,"I wish that stuff was real. I wish the Goblin King would just take me away from all this," she sobbed. What she didn't know was that her wish was soon to be fulfilled.

All of a sudden time froze. Jamie looked up to see a hot looking guy with blond hair who was way taller then her standing in front of her,"Wish granted," Jareth said as he and Jamie teleported to his world, Jareth thinking,'I finally found someone perfect for becoming my Goblin Queen.'

"Where are we?" Jamie asked, looking around. "You are in my world, Jamie. The world of the Labyrinth," Jareth explained. "So, does that mean your Jareth, the Goblin King?" Jamie asked. "Yes, and this is my Labyrinth," he told her. He threw her a globe in the shape of a ball,"I'll give you 48 hours, which is two days to get threw the Labyrinth. If you can't make it in time, you will remain with me in my castle forever as my Goblin Queen," Jareth challenged.

Jamie thought about it. She didn't know if she really wanted to go back to her own world anyway. Everyone there hated her. Her teachers there were tough on her, always loading her up with more homework then what she could do. Plus, her parents didn't even love her anymore, and she and her sister always fraught all the time. But before she could answer, Jareth had already disappeared, leaving her on her own to explore the huge Labyrinth by herself. Figuring she wouldn't get anywhere by standing there, she started making her way though the Labyrinth, deciding she'd make up her mind weather or not to stay ather she got though the Labyrinth.

That is, if she could make it, within 48 hours. This is based on with happens after the movie. Based on what would of happened if they had made a second movie. This is about Jareth, the Goblin King trying to get a Goblin Queen. He failed with Sarah, so he is going to try again with a different girl. Maybe it will work out this time.

This must be a mature fic. I want Jamie to end up staying in this world and falling in love with Jareth and becoming the Goblin Queen. I also want some NC-17 chapters with Jamie and Jareth. Also the title must be the title of this thread. And must be at least 30 parts long. No, one shots allowed.

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