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Nasty Hermione/Ron/Harry/Ginny (As of Update or Reload: 6/14/10)


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If write story, let me know at Mellowmanx@aol.com

For more idea, check my other story at my pen-name to include for this story.

Would like a story that has the theme with:

Anal, BDSM, Bi, Blood play from blood from any body, that include vaginal blood, DP, Fist, Humil, Inc, Moresome, N/C, D/s, Dom, Rim, Minor Scat / Scat, WS.

Do whatever you want as long as it have a plot, a good story with introduce, middle, and end. Have some idea to start things up.

Can be one shot story that is up to 5,000 words to 10,000 words or more. Can do more than one shot. Can make into many chapters. Can make into a stort story that is up to 30,000 to medium story up to 70,000, and last up to long story that is beyond 100,000.

Must include dirty sex that is with minor scat, and blood. Little or so. Can be more than minor, that would process to bathroom sex. Include water sport. If can.

Dirty sex as wholly dirty with no wastes in anal, or wastes is not completely clean from wiping, or there is wastes in anal. Any those three type of dirty sex relate to anal. Can include fingering, anal-sex and sucking afterward. Rimming. Something that is dirty on cock or finger or anywhere onto another person from the person's butt.

Ideas - Sections idea or combine of section ideas.

Section -

Can start from that family that is forbid for incest, can be either gradually from forbid to not forbid or it is fully forbid, no matter what. If it is either those forbid idea, they can find out or not. The family, you decide which family, but must have as starting point, the parents.

Section -

Friends or general public that is not into incest fully or gradually from forbid to not. Can include main characters, that is 2 of them, Hermione and Harry, but not Ron and Ginny. Beside incest, same-sex, that is forbid or gradually from forbid to not, can be from Parents, general public, and family. That include Harry and Hermione that is forbid of


same-sex, but not Ron and Ginny. You pick which kind of people that is forbid or from forbid to gradually to not forbid. People: Main characters - Harry and Hermione, Parents, Family, and general public.

Section -

Can include abuse - verbally or physically

Only to two main characters - Harry and Hermione, can be one or two of them. If one of them, then start the main character - Harry; other is sub-main characters. Harry can accept that it is right to be abuse or not, abuse was from Aunt's home that is magical mother's sister. Or know it is not right, and Harry react with courage and anger to them. -

Can be from before starting school, or during school. You pick which attitue that Harry have with them. Acceptable, or not acceptable but afraid, or not acceptable with

courage and anger. Same situation with Hermione with preference (list as Harry's attitute above) of attitute that comes with Hermione with their parents.

Can pick which section of idea or use more than one.

Starting Date Point:

Can be before school, in any year before school. During school for the first year. Or from 4th year.

If agree to challenge, put challenge fics and put author and name of story, in refer to this challenge on next page. One author per story in refer to this challenge. Can put link or website. So people might know if decide see this summary. Also in your story you create, put in summary that in reponse to title I have list above.

Understanding of Story: Want to let ya know to make sure that the story is within two scroll bar, vertical and horizontal. Without too much vertial to go to with scroll bar, that include with horizontal. Mistake or unnoticed sign as " that convert to *, as wrong sign. As it can conert itself. If paragraph too big or too long, can return as few lines for one


paragraph as two return or half return, 1.5 return, in between can put -. Easier read. For any type of conversation, put any type of sign for each conversation, include paper conversation. On letter. " as regular ", * as mental *, and so on. Sign can as bold or whatever. Not tell ya what to do, but easier to read and remind you so won't have problem when it is there for readers to read. Just saying as happen to me as reader that not understand part or any of it.


If more than threesome or if two somes is complex as alot of words to describe the sex itself, can put space as two time or 1.5 or so. Easier to understand. I am not the beta, if you are good enough for the sentence to be read at one time without struggle a bit much, or read not two times to understand; sentence that you struggle to understand and be read two times or so, can use beta. Sorry if give you false picture of making you upset or anything, but not mean for that.

There is another story that is in my pen-name. Go to older post. The story that is at 2008 of June, there is one story as it says title one at that timeline post. Another as title 2.

Email me at Mellowmanx@aol.com

Edited by Mellow03
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