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Everything posted by greenwizard

  1. My philosophy is believe whatever makes you happy and gets you through the day, just don't shove your beliefs down my throat please.
  2. Honestly, probably not more than $250. In my experience of selling computers people don't want to pay much for a used computer, and something is only worth what people will pay for it.
  3. Yeah, I know what you mean about hardcore religious people (Christians?) I am a Pagan, and I have to keep that to myself. I can't speak publicly about what my beliefs are exactly in public except among other Pagans, and I still have to censor some things. Why is it that we all have to be two people; who we really are in private, and the socially acceptable person we are in public?
  4. Thanks. And I doubt you'll have much trouble unless you have child porn on your computer or something. Actually, my boyfriend said that if they do investigate me and find nothing she might get arrested for wasting their time. How cool of a thought is that.... She did make a huge fuss over nothing. She had the nerve to say that because I was upset it proved I'm guilty because pedophiles always get defensive when exposed. It couldn't have possibly have been that I was being accused of something that wasn't true....
  5. Yeah, if someone can figure out why I get turned on by incest, rape, bestiality, and such in a story, but would never in a million years do it myself... they might win the Nobel Peace Prize or something. I like visual porn too. I just wouldn't do it myself.
  6. I had my gallbladder removed on Monday. I had to pay for it with a credit card... Insurance companies don't want to cover pre existing conditions. All that aside... the procedure went pretty well. The medication they gave me before hand to help prevent me from getting sick under anesthesia made my whole body itch severely. They really should warn a person about that. It took me a whole three seconds to go under. It only took about an hour and then I spent the rest of the afternoon in a tiny room sleeping on and off. I was sore for a while and very nauseous. I spent three days in bed, then started getting up and doing more things for myself. Today is the first day that I've really felt like a human being again. My incisions are infected, but I'm not surprised. I seem to be prone to infection and had a minor throat infection from the respirator they put me on. I'm sure I'll be fine. As far as diet, I really haven't had many problems. I was on the jello and cracker diet for a few days, but I'm pretty much back to normal. I'm still watching my fat intake carefully and I'm staying away from fast food, but I've tested the waters a little here and there without much problem. I'm optimistic that I'll be one of those people who don't have any lasting effects.
  7. Again, why is it that Republicans keep accusing their opponents of being in league with terrorists? Bush did it in both elections, and likes to accuse people of being against freedom or being 'unamerican' when Congress doesn't give him what he wants. I am so sick of the fear tactics I could cry, scream, and throw up all at the same time. And I have noticed that Obama will start running an add, then a few months later McCain will run an add saying the same things. Good god if you're going to be a fear mongering mud slinging asshole, at least come up with something original...
  8. You know, I'd like it if people were to actually read what I type, and not read all kinds of crap into it. I said something I was told by someone with some connections. I can't say any more than that, and I don't know any more than that. The person who shared that information with me doesn't really have any interests on either side of the debate. We were just talking about it shorty after it happened. She told me this, and I wasn't supposed to tell anyone, but it's been years, and it's not like I've told everyone I've met or anything. I even said I DON"T KNOW what happened exactly. Could Bush have let it happen? It wouldn't surprise me, though I don't think it was this grand conspiracy some people are trying to make it out to be. I think he just didn't do anything to stop it, the end. It's also possible that someone was asleep at the wheel. Right after this happened there were lots of reports about how mismanaged the Bush administration was along with other government agencies. It's always possible I guess. Why is it that you call me crazy because I don't live in your happy little box and don't believe the government is telling us the truth? I've recently come across the term 'sheeple' and I really think it fits those that believe everything they hear. I like to think for myself and question things thank you very much.
  9. Oh sweetie there are lots more fun things to do than just kill them. I have morals, just not the same ones that mainstream society does. People can be so closed minded and cruel.
  10. Yeah, I tried to reason with them, but these people obviously don't want to see reason. It hurt, but I did burn the bridge and started concentrating on the positives. And hey... it's been two weeks about and I haven't been arrested for anything. I'd like to see her try and explain that.
  11. How does someone clogging up her review board just to be an ass mater to her? Oh good lord......
  12. You know, the 9/11 terrorist attacks were attempted 9 times under the Clinton administration. It was caught and stopped all 9 times. The first time it was tried under the Bush Administration it succeeded. Why? Only those actually involved can say for sure. Of course that event led us to where we are now. I see Bush for what he is, a power hungry opportunist. Gatta love Porkchop and people like him that believe Bush and his people are telling the truth. There minds won't be changed until the ultimate betrayal of their trust happens.
  13. I don't think it should be wrong to talk about stories you like, but there are a lot of idiots out there. It makes my fantasy of taking over the world and executing everyone I deem an idiot to create a smarter human race seem just that much more appealing. Anyway, I ready a lot of 'out there' stuff too. It seems that 'normal' people can't wrap their mind around the difference between enjoying a story with rape and being a rapist yourself.
  14. Microsoft Word says that's right.... It doesn't look right to me, but lay/laid is one of those things I have trouble with.
  15. Looks like someone is believing what Bush says again. Georgia attacked them and they attacked back. Now they are probably getting ready for a fight because Bush keeps shooting his mouth off. And by the way, from what I've read, the Cold War was just a bunch of big misunderstandings.
  16. This is a bit of a rant, but it also pertains to the story this thread is about. Recently, I up and put my foot in my mouth again and ran into a zealot. The thread on another forum was about child abuse, and somehow I thought I was talking to intelligent people so I mentioned this story and said I really liked it because it got a good message across. I can't remember exactly what I said, but I know I didn't say anything about me jerking off to it or anything because I didn't. Now, in anticipation of someone wanting to read it I did warn them that it got a little graphic. You know what the outcome was? This... *^*%#& decided that I am a child predator and reported me to the FBI. I tried against my best judgment to try and explain that it's not child porn. It did no good. Her response to any argument made on my part was that pedophiles always get defensive when confronted. I deleted my account because I had a feeling that this person would start harassing me. A very good friend went the next day to check it out and apparently this person assumed the owner of the forum deleted me and that was proof that I'm guilty. And since my comments were deleted as well, she started saying all kinds of shit like I admitted to having fantasies of little girls. My friend also tried to get them to see reason along with telling them I left so everyone would get the truth rather than the other person's very slanted side of the story. Naturally, they jumped on her and said she was me because she had to create an account to say anything... It's been four days and the FBI hasn't come knocking down my door. This woman actually believes that having fantasies about children is punishable by law. First off, how can you even prove what goes on in somebody's head? Second, a person can fantasize about anything they bloody well please. We don't live in a society where private thoughts are monitored... yet. I've had some VERY fucked up fantasies, but I can quite safely say that young girls were never involved. My friend who tried to stick up for me knows a social worker that I talked to about this. She said that if a report like this woman's was sent to her she would ignore it. Since I never actually came out and said that I molest little girls or was turned on by this story there really isn't much there. She said they might tap my computer and search for child porn and look for history of me visiting child porn sites if anything, but when they don't find any they'll get mad for having their time wasted. She also pointed out that since this woman seems so report happy and is so ignorant of the actual laws, I am most likely not the first person she has reported, and the FBI has probably already labeled her a total nut case and blew her off. That's sad actually because if she ever does come across someone who is actually abusing a child she has probably cried wolf so many times they won't even read her report. Ok, I guess I'm done. It just really pisses me off that there is some out there spreading lies about me because I have a more open mind than she does.
  17. Yep, Bush, who invaded Afghanistan, Iraq, and wants to invade Iran said that no country should invade another. I did a double take at that. Either he really is as stupid as people say, or one of his speech writers really doesn't like him. He tends to say things that suit what he wants regardless of whether or not it is actually true. Also, didn't Georgia attack Russia first? How can you condemn a country for fighting back? This is just nuts. I saw a video today that says Pentecostal Christians believe that the end will come when Russia invades Israel. The person who made the video seems to think it's connected.
  18. While I haven't seen this video, you said they spent ten minutes saying they weren't talking about all Muslims. So, how long was the entire video. I live in PA which I've been told is a swing state, though I'm a registered Democrat so they may not bother with me. *shrugs* And have you noticed that every time someone disagrees with Bush and his cronies they suddenly get accused of not wanting to protect our families? Or they get fired.... It's a fear tactic that seems to work. What I have noticed is now Obama is running ads that outline his plans, and McCain is running ads that are a carbon copy of the negative ads that Obama was running except that he added new taxes. His slogan is now 'Change is Coming'. I just find it odd that he's mimicking his opponent and not coming up with anything new on his own. As for the attacks, it wasn't just McCain's campaign. Repuclicans have been doing this since the wart started. Every election year their smear campaign is that anyone against the war doesn't want to protect us. The thing is, you can't fight terrorism. All you can do is do everything in your power to prevent their attacks, and that doesn't include invading other countries. Here's a question I've been wondering about. What in the hell gives Bush the idea that this country has the right to 'police' the world. We are one of the younger countries, and actually, not all that powerful in the world market. The CIA has a website that has every bit of information you could ever want to know about every country in the world. In the Middle East... well that is where civilization began. Why does the President of a young country think he should tell the people of one of the oldest countries in the world how to live?
  19. You're pretty much describing my life for the past few months. My bi-polar is just completely out of control and my thoughts are racing to the point where my brain is just jammed. Meditation seems to help though, at least for a little while.
  20. What would your work schedule be? I'm a little slow, but I try to work around schedules. And very little bothers me. I know spelling and grammar very well too.
  21. Meh.... I'm a big teddy bear with a little too much knowledge of the human body. On topic though, trolls are pathetic slime. They don't think they are God, they are so pathetic that they have to put others down to prop themselves up. In their warped little brains if they tear you down, lower your rating, and chase you off then people will read and praise their stories. I haven't had to deal with this lower life form yet thankfully, but I understand how it would make someone feel frustrated and helpless.
  22. Why would you jam a corkscrew into their genitals?? It works better if you take that screw and jam it under their toenail rotating counter clockwise. Then rip it out while continuing to turn it clockwise. There's also something fun you can do with a blowtorch, a sledge, and a rusty knife......
  23. The video wasn't about people singing in church, but about the words they were singing. And on the 'Jesus Camp' clip adults were telling kids to be prepared to give their lives up for Jesus. That's a bit extreme. Not to mention, if I remember correctly you are an atheist. Well, according to that church you are being influenced by the devil and you need saved. Their goal is to get their members into government and bring the country back to God. Ummm... I thought we had this thing called freedom of religion. Kiss that goodbye. I hope you enjoy attending church. As for the flip flop thing, have you been living under a rock???? All politicians do that. There are lots of accounts of McCain doing the same thing. It's politics and it sucks. Personally, I think George Washington was very wise when he warned against political parties.
  24. I had more thoughts on Plot #2. I'm thinking someone gives Harry a gift of cologne that is really a 'love' potion that not only makes him amourous, but effects other people around him. Harry thinks nothing of it and puts some on right before he goes to see Dumbledore for something. It can be something innocent like a girl that likes him wanting to get him in the sac, or a dark plot to rape and impregnate Harry. I also have a #4 Snape/Hermione While the kids are staying at the Order headquarters Snape returns from a Death Eater meeting where Voldemort foind where his true allegiance lay and he just barely escaped with his life. Hermione is the first to come across him and sees him as just a human being for the first time. She helps care for him and gets to know his 'softer' side. If anyone wants to adopt these cute, cuddly, and twisted plots, please send me a message since I'd like to read it of course!
  25. All McCain has done is make speeches. He compared Obama to Brittney Spears and Paris Hilton as a celebrity. Also, he was criticizing Obama for opposing offshore drilling. But then Paris Hilton shot back, and suddenly McCain's policy on oil changed. That to me is very fishy. All of the adds from McCain I have seen are full of fear tactics such as saying Obama will tax us, then end with 'Is he ready to lead?' You know, Bush used fear tactics too..... And I'm not saying that Obama has been a saint by any stretch of the imagination. Both candidates have done some major mud slinging. But.... Obama's adds have been using footage of McCain saying he doesn't know much about the economy, and saying he votes with Bush. It has all been using his own words against him. Add to all of this the fact that Sarah Palin is a part of something called the Third Wave. It's a Christian religious cult pretty much. As a non Christian, this concerns me. There is a link to a YouTube video and I believe the one on the far right is her. I've watched a few dozen videos, as well as a clip of 'Jesus Camp' run by this church. I would suggest non hardcore Christians watch that documentary and decide whether or not you want someone from this church as your Vice President.
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