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  1. One down, loads more to go.

  2. TPTDL SERIES (To Please the Dark Lord, Savoring Time, Dual Charges, etc.) Er...chibis of 12 of the characters in the TPTDL series- TPTDL, ST, and DC Chibis The top row's from TPTDL (Zarzimadden, Takashi, Karas, and Lukas), the middle row's from Savoring Time (Chronos, Desmund, Keir, and Cailean), and the third row's from Dual Charges (Lyre, Hakane, Yasuo, and Aileron). :::To Please the Dark Lord::: These are the four main characters of TPTDL in all their colored glory- TPTDL gang Unfortunately, all of the older replies to reviews have been lost along the way (and through about four ancient CPUs). However, this is an attempt at a 'quick summary' for them regardless: IsLuRa- Your enjoyment of our characters and their designs always brought a smile to our faces, even when it came to the minor characters! Thank you and forgive the horrendous delay! MiriuOniaya- Your words always make us think twice (in Michi's case, three times). You have no idea how many times we were able to fix the flow of the story (and unclear moments) because of them. Thank you for absolutely everything and we hope you are doing well! yuurimaoh- There's nothing we can say to you that we already haven't. Thanks for keeping an eye out for us and supporting us even when you live a far more stressful life than we do. Hang in there, dear! DarkFaeryLaurel- The only reason that we keep uploading these stories are for readers like you that managed to at least leave a quick review! Thank you so much for sticking with us from the beginning. -- TPTDL Chapter 4- Michi: Goodness. I once had half of chapter 4 edited and as seamless as it could be...but, among computer trouble upon computer trouble (not to mention financial trouble and family trouble), the file turned to ash in my documents. Maru has been most patient about it, but she has mostly been hungrier and hungrier for newer stories (most of which have not been completed yet). However, TPTDL and ST have been completed for quite a while now. With enough motivation, I can finish editing TPTDL and have a lovely map with which I can work into the webcomic! Maru: I've been swamped with work back and forth between computers, classes, projects, and essays. @-@ That's why we haven't been able to finish any of the newer stories enough to even post them yet. But, I'm trying too! TPTDL Chapter 5- Michi: At long last, I finished editing TPTDL in all its glory...into only five chapters? Yes. And it will make working on the webcomic that much easier. I would like to, once again, thank Maru for her patience and (most importantly) for saying the ONE idea that sparked this entire series! -- :::Savoring Time::: These are the four main characters of Savoring Time- ST gang Michi: Oh dear. Here I thought I was finally getting things done but I was sorely mistaken. The plan was to finish up editing the last chapter of To Please the Dark Lord and then finish up editing the last chapter (or two, not sure how many there were left) of Savoring Time. But, then I sat down and actually READ my older edit and I nearly CRIED when I saw so many errors. What was I THINKING? There were even TYPOS and missing WORDS in the chapters. *sigh* Naturally, the grammar freak in me decided to revise ALL of the Savoring Time chapters before uploading any newer chapters TO it. I'm sorry it's taking so long, but in the end, it will be so much easier to understand, let alone read. Chapter 7- Michi: Just as I feared, the end of Savoring Time has to be split into two parts. I really wanted to finish editing it in one go due to many reasons, but my loyalty to its characters forces me to do it right. So, here's to the 8th upcoming chapter! *crumples into tears of editing despair* Chapter 8- Michi: At long last, here is the end of Savoring Time...the conclusion of the second story in the TPTDL universe. Though I had always wanted ST to have been divided into 7 chapters, it didn't pan out that way. The pages were too many...but after an entire day of editing 18+ pages, all that I have to say is 'IT'S DONE BUAHAHAHAHAHA' -- :::Dual Charges::: Chapter 1-
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