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  1. For Robosexuals like myself: PnP= Plug n' Play. For when two robotic 'mechs' or something of the like use USB or audio jacks to plug in to one another and swap data until overload, or orgasm, is achieved. Sparksex/Sparkplay= Transformers-only tag, where one Transformer touches another's Spark for sexual pleasure. This is also called "Spark Bonding" but that is only when the two Bond their Sparks together. Sticky= Also for Transformers and other robot fandoms. It's when the robots have humanoid sexual organs, a 'cord' and 'valve/port' if you will, which is basically a human penis and vagina but metal. There are different terms, cable, cord, valve, port, input, ect. MechaxHuman= this explains itself, it's a human having sex with a mecha. Transformers, Gundam, the list goes on for this one. SizeKink/Sizedifference= when one robot [or human] is significantly smaller than the other. This works well for Transformers especially, since some of them are a mere 6 feet tall while others can be planet sized, or the size of a city, or 500 feet tall. Some of the more massive ones such as Omega Surpreme are so massive that they are used only as a ship of others. Skyfire is another one, he's around the 50-60ft mark. This means that Size Kink is a huge one and is very popular. examples are Bumblebee/Optimus Prime. 9foot Bumblebee with 25Foot Optimus. Alt.Mode= Transformers having interface[sex] with one or more of them being in Alternative Mode. [Car, jet, ect mode]. That's all I can think of for now. <:
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