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Everything posted by SuirenAngel

  1. Inuyasha Pairings: InuyashaMiroku (Seme!Inuyasha Uke!Miroku), -Optional- SesshomaruKouga, OMC/Sango, and OMC/OMC Description: Inuyasha collapses from some unknown reason and is brought to a village nearby by a strange human male named Ginketsu (who is pregnant) and is met by the village healer and leader Ankoku, a beautiful violet hair woman who informs them after examining Inuyasha in her home that his youkai was acting out because his physical body and mind was dormant when he was at a critical stage of development. He may have the image and mind of a 15 year old but his youkai continued to grow as he slept for 50 years and is now forcing his body to adapt. Requirements: Mating season should be coming soon and human males could become pregnant within the mysterious village Miroku has a scent that, after Inuyasha awakes matured to 20, he can't resist. Kagome is jealous, you can decide how much. Much preferred if Naraku is dead Kouga is a teenage demon like in the manga and now Inuyasha doesn't see him as too much a threat to his pack only to his pack sisters, who he is protective of. Oh and Inuyasha laughs at him. Any serious takers?
  2. Harry Potter Pairings: HpDm (top!Harry, bottom!Draco), RWHG Description: AU after OotP! Harry Potter receives a letter from Gringotts, stating that the private will reading of Sirius Orion Black would be held on his nineteeth birthday. Dumbledore shouldn't know and more or less forbids Harry from going to the 'public reading' (hint hint). The real kicker for this story is Sirius had the goblins give Harry a blood test to find out which inheritances' Harry rightly has. Don't care how many but he has to have inherited Potter, Black, and Azkaban. A little Dumbledore and Ginny Bashing are accepted, but not ncessary. Requirements: He needs to be leader of Azkaban isles. Harry should be in the grey, so to speak. I would like to see a politically powerful and independent Harry. Draco should be as aristocratic as he is in the book but less of a self absorbed brat. Severus is Draco's godfather and rather protective. Perhaps a side pairing of RLSS, if it tinkles your fancy. A cookie if you make the story an Mpreg, tastefully written of course. (Totally optional).
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