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Everything posted by FaeChildMom

  1. I can't remember much but what I do remember is that Harry with the help of students and Voldemort make a community on the moon. At one point Luna magics bunny and sets them loose lol. I know another is that eventually move all the magical communities to the moon. I think Harry does this because muggles basically started to hunt down all magical people and the grim reaper/death helped by sending him back but he has to meet a quatoa. Please help me because this is driving me insane. Fae
  2. Hi all, Looking for a story I read a long time ago. It ended with Relena and Duo on a tropical island and Heero joining them. First part was a relationship between Relena and Heero but behind Relena’s back Heero and Duo were in a relationship. Relena found out when they were having a birthday party and she went to look for them and caught them in the act. Please help, Fae
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