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The Futanari virus

Guest Draynuy

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Guest Draynuy

For this challenge the graduation age is 15 years old, Hanabi is the twin of Hinata, Sasuke has a twin sister and Kushina, Mikoto and Hinata's mother are alive.

A bit before graduation Hinata has strolled into a unknown part of Konoha, in search of calm. During her walk she discover what seems to be an ancient temple, curious she decides to explore it. Inside the decorations on the walls make her feel embarrassed but also aroused, since all pictures represent various sexual acts but what was odd that all characters seems to be women with both male and female genital. At the end of the temple Hinata found a sealed jar, but in approaching to observe it Hinata stumbles over a loose stone and fall onto the jar that breaks and releases a pink powder that makes Hinata falls into a instant and high state of arousal.

So horny, Hinata nearly tears her clothes apart so she can masturbate, and the more she masturbates the more her clit seems to transform to become a big and fat cock. After her sexual calming down, something has changed into Hinata: firstly she is not embarrassed by her new body, she likes it, secondly she has more confidence in herself and feels more bold and ,finally, she also feels that she exerts some sort of Sexual aura, something of what she will profit, because she has the envie to go find Naruto to fuck with him and nothing will stop her.

Quickly she finds Naruto and, with the aid of her sexual aura of which Naruto seems particularly receptive, convince him to fuck with her. When Naruto sees the penis of Hinata he is surprised but not disgusted, he is rather excited. The fuck session quickly become really hot and the more Naruto absorbs of Hinata's cum (by licking her, sucking her or being sodomised) the more he seems to transform: his breasts are growing, his hair are getting long, his hips are narrowing at the same time that his butt becomes more plump and finally a vagina appear under his large cock, finishing his transformation into a futanari.

After that the two have properly fucked each other they finally notice the transformation of Naruto and they are rather pleased by it. They wonder if it could be a recurrent phenomena and they decide that each will target a new person. Naruto decides she want to fuck her mum, and Hinata wants to partage this experience with her twin.

After the act and that, indeed, Kushina and Hanabi are now Futanaris, the four of them decide they want to spread this virus to a maximum of people, if possible to the whole world, but that they must be discreet at first. Thus begins their quest to transform the world and begins the Futanari Era.

There must be a plot in background, this scenario can loosely follow the canon until Sasuke's retrieval 's act (who must succeed) after that the plot must be more into the line of the conquests of the futanaris around the world..

Naruto, Hinata and Hanabi must create a group of lovers composed of Themselves, Tenten, Haku, Fuu, Sasuke's twin, Samui, Kurotsuchi, Shion, Yakumo, Hana, Temari, Matsuri, Tayuya and Kurama. Another group must be composed of Kushina, Mikoto, Hinata's mother, Tsunade and Shizune. The two groups fuck regularly with each other, particularly the relation Mothers-daughters but otherwise they are two group distinct.

Finally they can also fuck someone just to spread the virus before letting the new futanari choose their new lover. For example Naruto and Hinata must fuck Sakura, Naruto to satisfy his old crush and Hinata by revenge but, after that, they are letting her be. Sakura decides to transform Ino and the two become lover. After the retrieval of Sasuke the two ex-rivals decide to transform Sasuke into their bitch.

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