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SS/HG Time Travel

Guest maharet22

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Guest maharet22

I`ve been looking for a certain fic for a while and can`t find it! I would greatly appreciate help.

Hermione is living with Ron, and has a "workroom" in the basement that Ron doesn`t go into. She`s experimenting with time travel and ends up going back to when Severus is in school. They become friends, fall in love, sleep together, she leaves him a note saying she loves him and comes back to the present. She arrives back in her "workroom" and goes upstairs to go to bed. She crawls into bed to find Severus in it! He realizes that she just came back from the past, rolls over, reaches into the nightstand and hands her the note she left him 20 years earlier. It has a sequel about the years in between from Severus` point of view. Please help me find it, it`s driving me nuts!

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