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Students and professors play sex game

Guest The Rural Juror

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Guest The Rural Juror

Hi everyone-thanks for reading.

I'm looking for a fic I misplaced a few years ago, so it might be long gone by now, but it's a multi-chaptered fic with Hermione and several other students, including Pansy and Justin Finch-Fletchley(?) playing some kind of game with the professors, including Snape, Flitwick (weird, but he's definitely in this), Hooch, I think, Lupin(?) and Sirius Black. Each person draws a name and goes into a circle of darkness or shadow (this is the really important bit) with the professor for a limited amount of time, and make out/have sex/whatever. Hermione gets involved with Sirius, but ends up having mad mostly-UST with Snape. After the game is over, she ends up going to his room the next day to have (im)proper, honest-to-god dirty sex with him, I think, on his couch(?).

Can anyone help? I've been looking for this for YEARS and have found many Student-and-Professor-Drinking-Game-Fics and Various-Professors-Fight-Over-Hermione's-Virginity fics, but none of them have been The One. I am 90% certain it was on this site. I remember LOVING this and would love to read it again.

Thanks again for looking, and happy reading!

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