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Posts posted by badsquire

  1. I am searching for a new/additional beta for an ongoing SS/HG fic. It's an adventure/romance set years after the books. For fairly obvious reasons, it stops at HBP compliance to canon. I'm resurrecting the story after having to abandon it last year, and have lost contact with my betas. I have three chapters in the can, and waiting for a beta. My main issue is grammar and sentence structure with occasional spelling issues stemming from dyslexia. There are some explicit descriptions of intercourse and violence integral to the story, but I try to keep it tasteful and focus on the relationships, nothing more explicit than your average rated R movie. Particular care is taken to keep the characters both believable and 'in character'. If you are interested, and have strength in grammar and spelling, please contact me.

    Thank you,


  2. Hi there!

    I'm looking for a new beta, as I pick up a story that I had to abandon early last year. It was pretty successful at the time, and I've finally finished school, so I am free to pursue it again. My betas have moved on with their lives (I believe, having some trouble reaching them), and I so I could really use some help. Generally, I write a chapter a week, sometimes more. They average 8-12 pages in length (times new roman, 12 pt, single space), and while I expect there to be less than 10 chapters left, I'm still hoping for some help buffing up earlier chapters before cross-posting to a few other fanfiction sites. If you are still available for beta work, please take a look at http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600006369 and if you are interested, please contact me at badsquire@yahoo.com.

    The story is called Evening Schnapps, it is a HBP compliant Hermione/Severus pairing, set several years after the demise of Voldemorte. it currently has 19 chapters and a +++++ rating. Actually, it's a response to the 'Snape walks into a bar' challenge. While there are funny moments, it is intended to be a adventure/romance set in sweeping landscapes and is prone to cliffhangers at chapter ends. While I expect most of my faithful readers have moved on, I find that I still get requests to pick it back up.

    Thanks much,


  3. Sorry to bother, but I have been unable to locate an answer to this question on the forum, and an attempt to contact the admin failed with 'no sender id'. Out of options, I am risking posting in an inappropriate area, because I can locate nothing closer to my question.

    I was forced to abandon my HP fic Evening Schnapps early last year. It appears to be inactive or locked out. After login in successfully, I go to my author page (IceCrystal) and click on both 'edit story' and 'add story'. When I click on the drop down menu for 'select story', no stories are shown, only a check mark next to 'select story'.

    What can be done to correct this issue?

    Thanks for any help, and the changes to the site from the last time I was here are great, good looking site.


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