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    JayDee got a reaction from Daye in Just finished a first draft at 5008 words, which is the most I’ve done on a oneshot i   
    Thanks! I guess it’s big for me, tiny for others – but, hey, if I can get it polished and sorted it’ll be alright I think.
  2. Like
    JayDee got a reaction from BronxWench in Say it with me: This WILL be a better week!   
    I’m hoping it’s a better week for both of you!
  3. Thanks
    JayDee reacted to Daye in Just finished a first draft at 5008 words, which is the most I’ve done on a oneshot i   
    congratulations! I’m so glad you’ve written something big. (about something big? Wayhey!)
  4. Haha
    JayDee reacted to Thundercloud in Just finished a first draft at 5008 words, which is the most I’ve done on a oneshot i   
    Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!
  5. Like
    JayDee reacted to Melrick in This has not been one of my better weeks…   
    Sadly, I can sympathise.  This has been a nightmare 2 months for me and it’s not getting any better.  Now we have to find out why mum has lost vision in her right eye.  Here’s hoping things improve for the both of us!
  6. Like
    JayDee reacted to InBrightestDay in This has not been one of my better weeks…   
    I’m sorry to hear that, and I hope the coming week is better for you.
  7. Like
    JayDee reacted to BronxWench in Say it with me: This WILL be a better week!   
    Same here, my Witch. Same here.
  8. Like
    JayDee reacted to pittwitch in Say it with me: This WILL be a better week!   
    ((hugs)) for the Wench.  I’ll light my candle.  Starting to hate biopsies, BTW.
  9. Like
    JayDee reacted to BronxWench in Say it with me: This WILL be a better week!   
    I am certainly hoping so! My Jeep is still in the shop, so I can’t have any more adventures in landscaping, and as long as the tests come back clean from the daft one’s biopsy, I will be fine.
    This WILL be a better week! ::hugs a Witch::
  10. Haha
    JayDee got a reaction from BronxWench in This has not been one of my better weeks…   
    Lachesis: “Hard to top? Hold my wine I got this...”
    Nah, I got my fingers crossed for ya
  11. Like
    JayDee reacted to BronxWench in This has not been one of my better weeks…   
    Oh, I do hope so as well!  Of course, it would be difficult to top this week in terms of general WTF-ness, but you never know.
  12. Thanks
    JayDee got a reaction from BronxWench in This has not been one of my better weeks…   
    Sorry to hear that. I hope things improve for next week and beyond.
  13. Like
  14. Like
    JayDee reacted to InvidiaRed in I finally took the plunge. I am now one of those people… I joined reddit.   
    An ode to our @CloverReef
  15. Like
    JayDee got a reaction from CloverReef in I finally took the plunge. I am now one of those people… I joined reddit.   
    There are some real incel weirdos on reddit, but I have seen worse on twitter tbh. At least reddit’s moderation is generally ok, and means that subs like TwoXChromosomes are inclusive! 
    For BW’s confused reaction – the broken arms thing relates to This ancient Ask Me Anything and how on reddit in every other thread someone will find a way to reference it.
    I, uh, I like the puns.
  16. Haha
    JayDee reacted to CloverReef in I finally took the plunge. I am now one of those people… I joined reddit.   
    Did you not feel me glancing your way when I said ‘lost forever’ Jaydee? 
  17. Haha
    JayDee reacted to CloverReef in I finally took the plunge. I am now one of those people… I joined reddit.   
    @InBrightestDay It was a less-than-serious reference to the negative connotations my fellow intersectional feminists on other social media sites have attributed to redditers. Also, the puns. If I start chain punning shit, you’ll know I’m lost forever. 
  18. Like
    JayDee got a reaction from CloverReef in I finally took the plunge. I am now one of those people… I joined reddit.   
    Well it means that soon CloverReef won’t be able to hear about a young man with broken arms without having a certain mental image.
  19. Haha
    JayDee reacted to InvidiaRed in I finally took the plunge. I am now one of those people… I joined reddit.   
    And so hotel california clams another victim.
  20. Like
    JayDee reacted to BronxWench in I finally took the plunge. I am now one of those people… I joined reddit.   
    I still haven’t succumbed… 
  21. Confused
    JayDee got a reaction from BronxWench in I finally took the plunge. I am now one of those people… I joined reddit.   
    Well it means that soon CloverReef won’t be able to hear about a young man with broken arms without having a certain mental image.
  22. Haha
    JayDee got a reaction from InBrightestDay in I finally took the plunge. I am now one of those people… I joined reddit.   
    Well it means that soon CloverReef won’t be able to hear about a young man with broken arms without having a certain mental image.
  23. Like
    JayDee reacted to InBrightestDay in I finally took the plunge. I am now one of those people… I joined reddit.   
    One of “those” people?  Is there something about being on Reddit?
    This isn’t a joke or anything; there’s just a lot about the internet I don’t know.
  24. Like
    JayDee reacted to InBrightestDay in Quadrille. Ok. I do a flashfic using this word as nothing else seems to work. I can’t   
    Seems a tad narcissistic, doesn’t it?
    Honestly, though, those prompts are perfect for just about anything horror-related.
  25. Haha
    JayDee got a reaction from InBrightestDay in Quadrille. Ok. I do a flashfic using this word as nothing else seems to work. I can’t   
    What if you decided to go with “Ken cloned himself twice so he could have a threesome with himself”? 
    I see the next week’s prompts are “reviled, repulsive, revolting” so I guess that one’s gonna be an autobiography for me…
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