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Status Updates posted by DemonGoddess
So. Learned a lesson while upgrading my OS. Somehow, my personal IP was blocked from the domain. Manta and I have been pulling our hair out trying to figure out why the hell I couldn’t connect
So I can now access email as well. Jeezus
Did you click on the “Evil Twin” button during the OS upgrade?
- BronxWench, DemonGoddess, InvidiaRed and 1 other
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I have been down with this nasty flu bug since Monday. Finally able to move around again. Ugh.
It’s been a rough season already. I had a cold that took me out for nearly a week, and I’m still not quite right.
This flu hits like a fucking freight train. Type A strain that’s currently going around. Thankful I was vaccinated, or I’d STILL be down.
- Wilde_Guess and BronxWench
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Best wishes to the both of you for a speedy recovery.
Happy Birthday!!!
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Thank you, my dear! It was quite lovely, actually, right down to dinner at a local diner (which amuses me no ends).
- Melrick and DemonGoddess
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Happy birthday, BW! Who doesn't love a good diner meal?
Had the echo cardiogram yesterday, won’t hear anything of what they found, or if they found anything until Tuesday. Ugh. I’m going to be a basketcase!
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Awesome news!
Excellent news! I’ll have to wait a few weeks for my results, but I’m not concerned.
So, with having BP issues, and having to get an echo cardiogram late November, I’ve been monitoring my food intake and what I eat, when I eat. I’ve also started exercising regularly.
So instead of losing weight, I gained twelve pounds in the last 2 weeks. What the hell??😡
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Well, the thing I like about this doctor, is he listens to me. As you know, that’s often not a thing.
- InvidiaRed, JayDee, WillowDarkling and 1 other
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Well, depending on your genetic heritage, there is that thing about English peasant girls… where your metabolism thinks when you start exercising, “Oh, you’re running from the invading Vikings, love, don’t worry, darling, I’ll keep you plump as a partridge, no matter how hard you run!”
My genetic heritage means I get fat easy! I also build muscle like nobody’s business. It’s either one, or the other. ROFL
So, as I’m sure many have noticed, I’ve been busy trying to work myself to death for the past five years or so. So, in that time, I’ve worked ridiculous hours with very little time off, and often multiple shifts in a day. As a result, I was more than a little unproductive here.
I retired the end of March, and spent the first fourish months doing nothing but sleep. Have one final test from my doctor on November 22nd, so should be done with all that shit for a bit as well by then.
In the meantime, I am now checking all the email addresses I always did before, as I now have the time. Am easing back into the archive repair, minor hunting, and other things I did as well.
Sorry for the absence, but, glad to be back
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Good to have you back. 👍
DG, I’d happy dance if I even could! Wahoo!
I get that. I’m working on a few things before my echo cardiogram towards the end of November.
Losing weight
Regaining my mobility (see losing weight😅)
Controlling my BP
Quitting smoking
Back to every other weekend off. I wanna just scream
I am so fucking tired of double shifts. ugh
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Find a better gig? IIRC, you’ve been on double shifts ever since I joined the server (about eight years now).
The double shifts are off an on. it’s part of what happens when you’re a manager in retail ya know. I’m salaried, so no OT fer me
Oh, gods, been there, done that. I pointed out to one of my staff that they in fact made more money than me since they got overtime and I was salaried. It’s across all industries, I think, and it truly sucks.
So, like everyone else, I would really, really like to put this nasty hacking crap behind us. Unfortunately, it does take time to find the likely culprits, whether individuals, or what they used. I am making progress, but please understand I’m reading these things line by line by line
Your dedication is very much appreciated. I can’t wait until I can post again. I’ve got a few new stories lined up and some new chapters of my other stories ready to go. When the time comes I’ll be waiting with all the new smut
Great! What complicates things is my real job. Been working hell hours again, so adjusting to that new schedule so I can focus on this again
It must be a bear to work full time and mod and try to bug fix, which I appreciate … best wishes and Happy Halloween to you, pronker
I need to spork out my eyes!
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Oh, true; but that requires one to crowd out the bad memories of what one’s seen, sadly; and to pay so little heed to it that it just disappears.
Course, a genuine apology to one’s Maker is always a plus in odds of restoring sanity- but I do understand what you mean, DemonGoddess. -
At least you have filters for those logs. The cross referencing can be brain melting. It would be more productive to use the spork on the the object of our frustrations. 😜
Yeah, kind of have filters. Going into the raw data and sorting it in a way that I can pinpoint a little quicker the incursions.
Alrighty then…
I watched Episode 5 of the Rings of Power.
There is so much wrong in this episode I don’t even know where to start!
- Mithril is not a melted Silmaril. The Silmarilli cannot be destroyed.
- Galadriel is wearing the sigil for the House of Feanor. She is not of that house. She is of the House of Finarfin.
- Tar-Miriel never went to Middle Earth. In fact, when Ar-Pharazon goes to Middle Earth, by this time, he has forced Tar-Miriel into marriage and usurped the throne of Numenor. She is supposed to be Queen Regnant, not Queen Regent.
I could go on further, but this episode has me even more furious at how they have destroyed the legendarium.
Elrond stealing the table is the best part.
I’ll admit, I haven’t yet read the Silmarillion, but how the fuck can you fuck up a legendarium with such abundant source material?!! Like, Tolkien quite literally left us the equivalent of a guidebook…
@WillowDarklingSheer Unbridled Hubris.
Hollywood writers seem to think they can be Tolkien but fail. It’s a a bad fanfiction based on something they don’t even have the rights to but think they can anyway.
They’ll say things that come off fantasy-ish to a normal viewer but to the rest of us the character seems a bit stunted? Episode 5 pretty much cements galadriel knows she’s evil like a rabid dog chasing a car. And despite that the Harfoots are worse than orcs. Which makes it seem like Sauron is the one protecting the demonic critters personally.
@DemonGoddesshit the nail on the head. Durin and company are unironically the best part of the show. The sole flickering light of it even.
I’m not sure what CAUSED the outage, but it’s now fixed. It looks like our ISP had to reboot the server after I opened a ticket
I managed to miss that outage. I was working on a spreadsheet, and then went out with the pup. I’m actually at my lake place now, and using my ancient and incredibly slow laptop, so I probably would have thought it was just my technology acting up again.
At least it was a quick resolution!
Apparently we had a failing hard drive. it finished failing this morning while I was at work, but Nexcess, being the excellent provider they are, had it fixed very quickly
Well, if it’s like my recent internet outage, a squirrel did it.
Apparently the code is not generating the reset link as it’s intended to. So Manta is looking at that code snippet to see why, and to fix it.
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Awesome! I know it sucks to have to use what little free time you get to poke AFF, but we all appreciate it immensely!
PHP is upgraded, and password glitch is fixed
Thank you so much!
Working on the next few weeks of schedules and hoping like hell I can manage an actual sane and normal schedule for me instead of 2 weeks on, 1 day off shit I’ve been doing.
So, work is still hell, still working entirely too much. finally may have the email sorted out since I upgrade to Win 11
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I wouldn’t fret, win 10 will be supported for most applications for years to come (like win 7 is). The #1 reason I won’t be upgrading any time soon…heard they won’t let you use “local” accounts, thus I’d basically have to ask Microsoft for “permission” to use my computer, which isn’t how I like to roll.
keep yer fingers crossed that I finally get my damn store fully staffed, would you guys? So, so tired of unpaid overtime because I’m salaried.
So, with the help of Nexcess, finally have the email thing sorted. Didn’t think I’d EVER get that done!
I FINALLY got the time to fix my computer issues, so I can access everything I haven’t been able to for a few months. Now to get work under control, and I’ll be golden!
Ye gods I need applicants where I work. Arrrrghhh
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Talk to the owner to raise the pay offers? (oh, sorry, thinking outside the box here...)
Seriously, if you were closer, I’d toss Elderspawn into your lap and tell you to work her to the bone.
Given how Elderspawn has been making you fume lately, I’d be tempted to just send Elderspawn anyway…
Happy Birthday!
I will be very happy when July 31st gets here. That’s when the extra $600 a week for unemployment finally expires. That may sound horrible, but I’m on the opposite end of that. I have worked through this entire thing, and the only applicants I’ve gotten for my critically short staffed store, have been applying for the unemployment requirement that they do so. Have only had one day off since November 14th. ONE. Plus, I’m already on schedule for a minimum of 80 hours a week, and if anyone calls off, I get to cover it. Because I don’t have enough staff. So my average work week is more like 90 hours or better. Awful damn tired of people working the system.
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Egads. Hope you go from understaffed to just staffed soon.
We should have, between full and part time, 15 people. We have 8.
Happy Birthday BronxWench!
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I need to be on here more.
Well, like the others, happy (even more belated) birthday, BronxWench!
- InvidiaRed, BronxWench and JayDee
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Thank you! Honestly, I’m not all that bothered by getting older as long as I don’t act older.
Keep yer fingers crossed that we get staffing issues finally settled for where I work. It has been BRUTAL. Sixty hours worked since Saturday. And I’m not done.
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Aw daaaang. Yes, hope that sitch gets fixed.
- JayDee and BronxWench
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I feel your pain. Training the newbies – who are younger than my children. As if the work wasn’t exhausting enough! Good Luck DG!
- JayDee and BronxWench
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Yep, get paid OT. But, it would be NICE to be awake to enjoy it! Ah well. Going into my third hell week, and then things should be evening out a bit.
One flower bed weeded, four to go..