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Posts posted by teeta

  1. teeta here and also feeling the need to reply to the reply I got :)

    My response: Sometimes when I write my stories, it occurs to me that every guy in the world is gay without question. Of course it doesn't work like that in the real world. That's why I find it so funny XD My gay men are either obviously gay, straights who find their gay side and love it, or gay without appearing like it (surprise!). I like it that way ^^;

    Words like Sissy, Faggot, you name it, are quite common in the gay scene I know. But in this case, I used the word because that's how guys like Perry were described in Joel's previous life. I thought I made that clear...? Oh well.


    You mean Joel. Frankly, I don't know. I've been out of work because I broke my back, for two years. I could pay every bill because of my insurance. Even when I wasn't able to go to the controlling doctor. No questions asked, because it was obvious what was wrong with me. With Joel, what questions will there be? The guy lost his legs...

    So don't worry; he isn't rich, but he was insured. He had to be with a hobby like he had... >.>


    Oh Perry... he's such a light footed fairy, falling for that hot dark guy with his Mediterranean looks. He has no doubt on his mind about whether he should fall in love or think first. No, he had never seen him before. If he had, Joel wouldn't have had the urge to do such dangerous things.


    Glad you liked it. Remember I wrote four chapters in a small day. I barely thought about what I wrote, I only wanted to describe what I dreamed.


    Alright, so dealing with things one by one. Yes, I noticed in your stories that your characters are quite often well, let's call it freshly converted. It doesn't bother me in the least since they are stories. Yes, it doesn't work like that in RL, though.

    The wording thing, sissy and so on, also quite understandable to me, and the funny thing, I also saw straight guys calling each other 'gay' and not really meaning it. It always cracks me up. And once again, yes, it was in Joel's previous life, but that's why I pointed out he might have been in denial :P

    The money thing ... ah, here were tread two different grounds. Where I live, you'd have to have some kind of enormous insurance policy for it to work like that. So perhaps I just looked at Joel's situation from my own perspective *and quietly hoping you're doing fine now?*

    And last but not least, that IS an interesting 'what-if' you suggested there. What if Joel met Perry before his accident? I mean, met and had the same kind of chemistry as they're having right now. Indeed, interesting to think about :)

    Alright, I think I addressed everything :) Thanks for taking your time to reply to my comment and like I said, I'm looking forward to reading more :)

  2. So ...


    I've never done it and it has this weird feeling to it but ...

    I've been recently working on a story (not sure yet if it's ever going to be released, I'm treating it more like relaxation, letting my mind stray a little) where there are two guys, and one of them, a little younger, was mercilessly teased by the other one. Now he wants to pay back.

    And this is my request; do you know of any good practical jokes that might be played on the guy who used to tease the first one? Or ways of tormenting him? I would like them not to be hurtful, though, more like something both of them can laugh about later.

    *using the extreme puppy-eyes look* If anything comes to your mind and you don't mind sharing ...

    Please? Pretty please, with cherry on the top?


    Ah, the story is slash so ... :P ... you all know what it means.

    And of course, if I ever post it, I'll credit those whose ideas I'll use.

  3. Well I feel like a right fucking bastard.

    Not only have I managed to create this gaping void between myself and pretty much everyone else in the fight, but I've single handedly managed to make one person quit it altogether.

    Well, maybe not completely single handedly.... I dunno, maybe I'm fooling myself.

    I've even been removed as a friend. Wow.

    But then the more I think about it, the more irritated I get. I don't know anymore if I should feel bad or be upset myself. This game is a dog-eat-dog game, it's every man for themselves. But I also understand how fucking irritating it is when I can't do anything either.

    When I first started playing the game Calanthee and few other people NEVER gave me the chance to level up--every single time I went in to attack, I was dead! It upset me a lot--it wasn't fair-how could I possible enjoy it, if I was dead all the time? But then I just stopped trying to be nice and I just started killing--with a little help from a higher up....

    And I know all of us have someone higher up that helps them out all the time, not just me. But I feel like... I dunno... it's just kind of ridiculous that she quit because "she couldn't attack and kept dying"... in so many words. EVERYONE has had that happen to them. In fact, I still do. And since I'm so high up there and am one of the few people to give lots of EXP to others, I'm the top attacked and top victim. >.< What does that say to you? OBVIOUSLY everyone loves to rape me to death--literally. But I'm not complaining--I had actually been watching and waiting for days till I got to the top. (previously second only to DarkInuLord) And I was like, 'YEAH! I got killed and molested the most! Whoo!' Just because if I wasn't laughing and joking about it, I'd probably be as pissed as everyone else. As a matter of fact, I'm dead as I write this--having been killed by my beloved teeta. B)

    But, anyway, I suppose that is why I am the lone wolf and heartless killer, ne?

    Everybody watch out for Squall.... *rolls eyes*


    Well, let me address one thing at a time.

    1. I definitely don't feel like a fucking bastard, I'm not, I'm just a player here and only utilising a game. So are you. Period.

    2. The said person leaving wasn't your fault entirely, they left mostly because of me killing them, so I should be put to blame. Well, tough luck, I'm not regretting, coz it's a GAME. Nothing more to it. And the void you're talking about is not that great.

    3. Once again, it's a game, which main element is ruthlessly killing other players, and sorry, we all grew nice fangs here, preying on everybody who was in our reach. Don't feel guilty about it.

    4. Yes, it is ridiculous, quitting the game because of that reason, and cancel the guild is a too far fetched reaction. In my humble opinion, it was very childish to do, no offence meant but it reminded me of my little cousin who played cards with me a few years ago and threw everything on the floor because he was losing.

    5. Awwww, thank you :)

  4. 2 minutes after my previous post I attacked Keith and here's the result:

    teeta attacked Keith Inc. with a Gatlin Gun (1124 str) and misses!

    Keith Inc. counterattacks with a Beretta (13 str) and and misses!


    And it was Beretta, too! 13 Str! Isn't it a god damn big WINK?

  5. guess it's my turn for that crap now :angry: yuck

    They say here, where I live that it lasts a week when not treated, and whe treated, it lasts seven days.

    Arm yourself with tissues, and some stuff that will make your nose less swollen inside, so that you can breathe, at least.

  6. Aaaa, sure! Sooo ...

    Look into the upper right corner, you see there a few interesting links, Attack shop among them. Go click it and it takes you to the game of killing players and dying yourself but lett me tell you, it's so much fun! Then you buy some necessary things like potions or whatever the word for them is, the ones that get you strength and health. Then you go to targets and attack them - and because you're a newbie, DON'T choose the highest levels, you'll only get yourself killed. Cruise around people who are of comparable level and strength. Kill them. Don't worry if you get killed, you'll revive automatically after an hour. Andmost of all, have fun!

    Good luck head hunting!

  7. So ... here I am, with my nose throbbing like crazy inside, as if something there was trying to tickle me to death. Around me there are packets and packets of tissues and a whole stack of used ones in the bin. Skin around my nostrils ir red and raw and I sneeze every once in a while. Horrible.

    And the worst nightmare is that even if my nose is literally killing me, I can't get even one day free coz it's ONLY runny nose ;)

  8. It seems really odd to use one Strength point to absolutely kill a 33rd level fighter...

    Hmm, yes, seems odd, but I find it odder to discover something else. I did the same, attacking players with 200+ Str and Hp and found out that even when they retaliated with a granade, they didn't take off more than 40 Hp.

  9. I have just reached level 130, I think and what made me think was the fact that I'm more than half way through the available levels (250 of them) and have 761 Str. To compare, Keith Inc. has 683 Str at level 109, and Shirotaka 615 Str at level 114.

    So … once we reach level 250, we stop gaining Str and Hp, so we’re basically stuck with what we will have gained by then. Of course, some will have more Str points, the other will have more Hp.

    Now, my question is ... HOW are we going to EVER reach the strength level necessary to use, let's say Stealth Bomber which requires Minimum Str: 11501 and Maximum Str: 13500? How? Because however I count, we're never going to reach even 5,000 Str. Every level we gain max 10 points Str, so basic Maths makes it 250x10=2,500. And that's only when we would get those 10 points per each level, which unfortunately doesn't happen too often.

    So all those cool weapens are never going to be within our reach ... *sighs*

  10. teeta attacked RikuDrak with a Grenade (240 str) and misses!

    RikuDrak counterattacks with a Bat (10 str) and takes off 1!

    teeta has 709 HP left!

    =_= I lost ... by ONE freaking point ...

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