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Posts posted by Elleyis

  1. Author: VirtualVampire
    Title: Unrestrained Struggle
    Summary: Lezard Valeth faces his greatest test of all, conquering the Valkyrie of his dreams mind, body, and soul.
    Feedback: Feedback and constructive criticism, I must have it now!
    Fandom: Valkyrie Profile
    Pairing: Lezard Valeth / Lenneth Valkyrie
    Warnings: D/s, H/C, M/F, MCD, RapeFic, Violence, WIP
    URL: http://tinyurl.com/UnrestrainedStruggle

    An obsessed Genius casts aside mortality for his Love...

    A Goddess whose wings hold the fate of the entire world...

    The will of two Souls shall cross the divine of Eternity....

    And the struggle between good & evil shall soon end.

    Whose Will shall Prevail?

    Virtual Vampire


    Valkyire Profile: Unrestrained Struggle

    *Coming Soon to AFF corner near you*

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