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Anesor last won the day on February 19 2021

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  1. Durn, a mid-stage chapter is determined to rachet up the angst into overdrive. Bad story!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Anesor


      Heh, can't do that to Fenris, I think he'd explode into a thousand points of lyrium light. It lightens up, but I thought this chapter was going to be character interaction and logistics... not a near death experience.

    3. Shadowknight12


      Oh, yeah, Fenris can be like that. Well, you know how it goes, good writers let the story take them where it wills! :D

    4. Anesor


      Yeah the confrontation was powerful enough, I listened to my muse. right now, I'm doing damage control to get the plot back on track as this moved certain plot events some chapters sooner.

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