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Posts posted by Shunskitten

  1. Massively guilty X'D I do it nearly daily! My poor muse/beta now expects me to send her my stories daily, along with any ideas and half the time she's like: Cheryl, it's been a hour, any ideas?

    Cheryl: *spews them off*

    Muse: O_O CALM DOWN.

    Cheryl: SORRY X'D.

    Ever gone to sleep, woke up and wonder where you were despite being where you are for over a year?

  2. It really depends where I am. If I'm on the computer and the idea strikes, I bring up sticky notes and go crazy typing up my notes. I just have to remember to right click on the icon and close out that way so that my notes are saved. More important ones are put into Notepad/Wordpad.

    Then I have a notebook in each room of the apartment, one in the truck, and one in my vest pocket along with a pen accompanying said notebook. They're tiny enough to not take up much room, and if I get a idea I'll stop what I'm doing and write it down. Though sometimes, I have to hunt down the notebook for a certain idea just so I can type it up! Doesn't help I lose them either.

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