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Ok working on a crossover ABLVH/HP and need some help with JC's history after he left Belle Morte's court first and second time. Specifically any point where he was in London and/or England for a significant amount of time. Trying to paint myself out of the corner I wrote myself into. Any help is much appreciated.


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what exactly are you looking for? I've never read or seen harry potter, but I'm currently reading through the ab series for the third time -has all the books-. I need something to take my mind off things. I'm on obsidian butterfly right now..

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I read both series way too many times, and I think you have quite a lot of liberty with what JC did in London, since Hamilton only wrote that he was there and that he "liked it a lot" (According to the character London in Incubus Dreams, who added, that he liked that JC liked it, which probably means he used the Ardeur frequently then). I don't recall her saying exactly when he was there, so you can be creative with that either. But I do know that it has to be in a time when he was "with Belle" not when he left her.

The first time JC left Belle he travelled with Asher and Julianna around Europe, and only left for England when his mother died. I don't think he was much fun (ardeurish) then, and considering he had to leave in a hurry to help Asher/Julianna, I didn't get the impression he was there long. And whether he was in London then is also up for debate. It's not stated clearly anywhere.

The second time JC left Belle he went to the States almost immediately, as you can see in the memory that gets shown when Auggie is there.

Right now, I think Hamilton claims JC is around 400 years of age, and he had come to the States 100 years after Asher got tortured, because that was the price Belle made him pay for saving Asher. After that he left "Because he couldn't stand to be hated by them both." We don't know when that was precisely, only that you probably have to look at moments in European history when a lot of witch hunts were done by the church. I can't recall Hamilton ever given us a clear indication how long JC has been in the USA.

But I wouldn't worry too much about sticking to canon with AB, since Hamilton herself often says one thing in one book and then another in the next. Not surprisingly though, if you see the pace in which she has to bring out these novels. But some of the inconsistencies are a bit annoying; for instance, Damian is not of Belle Morte's line in later novels, but in Blue Moon he tells Anita he is of Belle Morte's line. Oh well, just a little pet peeve of mine. XD

The first time he left Belle's court was together with Asher and Julianna, and they travelled together through Europe for around 20 (I am doing this by heart, not having the books here, so don't pin me down on it) years. JC left the two to go to England to be with his dying mother (which means he couldn't have been a vampire long then (his human mother who was born on a dirt floor still being alive in those day and age; so think 400 years back and then add a very generous 40 years up to it), which has to mean he and Asher became Master Vampires pretty damn quickly, otherwise Asher couldn't have had a human servant and JC said he wasn't Master enough to help Asher himself then. Again, I think an inconsistency LKH didn't take into consideration (not blaming her though, I wouldn't be able to write so many novels in such short timespan and not make errors too).

Anyway, he left for England, but I doubt he was much fun then. And he had to go back soon, because Asher and Julianna got in trouble.

I am guessing you could write him being in London on Belle's orders. Perhaps someone to seduce, so she could add the UK to her territory? Someone in the royal courts? Belle loves power, so...

I hope it is a bit helpful, since you don't quite say what it is you need precisely. Maybe you could be a bit more specific if this wasn't helpful.

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